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 Timo 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Timo)人名;(塞、芬、意、瑞典)蒂莫

  1. The book “Shaping Sustainable Fashion: Changing the Way We Make and Use Clothes, ” by Alison Gwilt and Timo Rissanen, zero-waste pioneers, will be published in February by Earthscan.
    明年二月,由两位“零浪费”先锋Alison Gwilt及Timo Rissanen合作的书籍《打造可持续时装:改变制衣穿衣的方式》将由地球瞭望出版社出版。
  2. Physicist Dr Timo Nieminen has said that military bows became obsolete in Europe during the 16th Century as firearms evolved, but in China, guns and bows coexisted for almost a millennium.
    物理学家Timo Nieminen博士曾说过随着火器的进化,弓箭在十六世纪的欧洲就已经被淘汰了。 但是在中国,枪和弓箭却和平相处了几乎一千年。
  3. Today was all about those tentative first few steps but the programme really gets underway tomorrow with a full day of on-track evaluation for both Timo and Lucas.

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