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 Tashkent [tæʃ'kent]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the capital of Uzbekistan

    1. The violence began when 10,000 fans waiting in afternoon heat were told a team from Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, had failed to show up for the game, Pravda said.
    2. After two hours of negotiations, the aircraft was refueled and flew to the Soviet city of Tashkent, where a new crew came on board and the hijackers demanded to leave the country.
    3. The fall of the Soviet empire has helped the rise of Istanbul as an international economic and diplomatic centre. Istanbul businessmen commute regularly to the new Turkish- speaking capitals of Baku and Tashkent.
    4. The supply of the serum from the Soviet Union was being sent from the Tashkent Institute of Vaccines.
    5. The Uzbekistan Interior Ministry and other official sources contacted in Tashkent refused all comment on the violence.
    6. Mamayusupov is rector of the Higher Islamic Institute in Tashkent.
    7. Here are excerpts from the joint statement issued Thursday by Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev and Afghan leader Najib after their meeting in the Soviet city of Tashkent.
    8. In Tashkent, the region's most populous city with 2.1 million inhabitants, there is only one Russian child among the 829 pupils of Middle School No. 9, where instruction is in Uzbek.
    9. Mamayusupov, rector of the Higher Islamic Institute in Tashkent, owes his selection in part to the resurgence of religious feelings.
    10. The inaugural conference of U.S.-Soviet sister cities opened in Tashkent on Monday with messages from President Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev praising the program as a bridge between the two nations.
    11. He said downtown Tashkent was flooded with police and army troops Friday as the session of Uzbekistan's Supreme Soviet parliament began.
    12. Of the 29 cities with more than a million residents, only five have many Moslems: Tashkent, Baku, Alma-Ata, Kazan and Ufa.
    13. Mr. Karimov said student protests over high prices were "just," and he appealed for calm in the wake of unrest in Tashkent last Thursday, when thousands of student demonstrators clashed with police near their dormitories.
    14. Last month, they broke up an opposition demonstration in the capital of Tashkent by arresting or detaining hundreds.
    15. Eleven other Soviet airports have international status, including Kiev, Leningrad, Tashkent and Minsk.
    16. The granite slab that marks his grave was rediscovered last year by a Tashkent schoolteacher interested in the role of American blacks in Uzbekistan's past.
    17. From the Registan you can walk past the tea-houses of Tashkent Street to the bazaar and the massive, brooding remains of Tamerlane's Bibi Khanym mosque. There is also Gur Emir, the terrible warlord's mausoleum.
    18. At the Tashkent cigarette factory, the most modern equipment dates from the 1960s; the oldest from 1922.
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