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 subsidies 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. They are lobbying for higher subsidies.
  2. The Air Services are not yet sound enough economically to operate without government subsidies.
    航空公司还不景气, 没有政府的补贴就难以经营。

Subsidy \Sub"si*dy\, n.; pl. {Subsidies}. [L. subsidium the
troops stationed in reserve in the third line of battlem
reserve, support, help, fr. subsidere to sit down, lie in
wait: cf. F. subside. See {Subside}.]
1. Support; aid; co["o]peration; esp., extraordinary aid in
money rendered to the sovereign or to a friendly power.

They advised the king to send speedy aids, and with
much alacrity granted a great rate of subsidy.

Note: Subsidies were taxes, not immediately on on property,
but on persons in respect of their reputed estates,
after the nominal rate of 4s. the pound for lands, and
2s. 8d. for goods. --Blackstone.

2. Specifically: A sum of money paid by one sovereign or
nation to another to purchase the co["o]peration or the
neutrality of such sovereign or nation in war.

3. A grant from the government, from a municipal corporation,
or the like, to a private person or company to assist the
establishment or support of an enterprise deemed
advantageous to the public; a subvention; as, a subsidy to
the owners of a line of ocean steamships.

Syn: Tribute; grant.

Usage: {Subsidy}, {Tribute}. A subsidy is voluntary; a
tribute is exacted.

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