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 Steinmetz   添加此单词到默认生词本
斯坦梅茨 (①姓氏 ②Charles Proteus, 1865-1923, 美国电工学家、发明家)

    [ noun ]
    United States electrical engineer and inventor (born in Germany) (1865-1923)

    1. That was only the beginning, Steinmetz later recalled in an interview with The New York Times.
    2. Kunkle's activities were unrelated to the Norfolk-area spy ring spearheaded by former naval officer John Walker, who is serving a life sentence for selling valuable Navy secrets to the Soviets, Steinmetz said.
    3. "Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and FBI Director William Sessions tonight expressed outrage over the murder," Steinmetz said, reading from a statement.
    4. Steinmetz acknowledged that Brown may have raised valid concerns about the court.
    5. FBI spokesman Charles Steinmetz said the agency had not developed a case based on Tucker's information, but turned it over to the state prosecutor in Birmingham.
    6. Brown has accused Steinmetz of backing out of a televised debate because he didn't want to discuss abortion, the environment, and the Supreme Court workload.
    7. Homes and vehicles were searched by agents carrying warrants issued by a federal magistrate, said FBI spokesman Charles Steinmetz in Washington.
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