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 Stalingrad   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a city in the European part of Russia on the Volga; site of German defeat in World War II in the winter of 1942-43

    1. The battle of Kursk, in 1943, was the largest tank engagement in history, and ranks with the more famous battle of Stalingrad as a decisive defeat for the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in World War II.
    2. But whereas there was no one in the German High Command to curb Hitler's strategic lunacy, Zhukov found the knack of swaying Stalin to see military sense. Stalingrad was built in the '20s.
    3. One was the widow of an Austrian soldier who fell fighting for the German army at Stalingrad in World War II.
    4. That made me feel a bit like a citizen of Stalingrad crawling from the rubble some 50 winters ago, picking up a copy of Pravda and reading the headline: 'Red Army wins battle for city.'
    5. Some 120,000 strong, the Soviets battled the Afghan resistance for more than twice as long as it took their fathers to drive Nazi invaders back from Stalingrad, Leningrad and Moscow and all the way to Berlin in World War II.
    6. Here was the first big turning point of the war. Literature on Stalingrad is plentiful, including documents newly-released by post-Soviet Russia.
    7. By the end of the summer the German 6th Army under General von Paulus had gained control of all but a few pockets of resistance in Stalingrad.
    8. Nekrasov won what was then the Soviet Union's highest literary honor in 1946 for his book "In the Trenches of Stalingrad" about the defense of the Volga River city in World War II.
    9. The Soviet ambassador to Afghanistan meanwhile reported thousands of casualties by both sides in the seven-week siege on Jalalabad, and he compared the intense shelling to that of the World War II battle of Stalingrad.
    10. In the battle for Stalingrad alone, says the narration, more Russians were killed than all the Americans lost during the entire war.
    11. British journalist Harold King, who covered the battle of Stalingrad and forged close ties with French leader Charles de Gaulle, has died.
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