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 Shipments 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Please exercise better care with future shipments.
  2. As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment.

  1. Shipments had declined during the previous three months.
  2. Shipments of medium and heavy trucks and school bus chassis rose 40 per cent to 20,700 units.
  3. Shipments of durable goods rose 1.5 percent to $116.3 billion in June following a 1.8 percent increase in May.
  4. Shipments began this week. British Coal exports, Page 34 A CONSORTIUM of European construction companies has been formed by Tarmac Construction to tender for the building of the second Forth road bridge.
  5. Shipments rose 1.2 per cent during February, while the inventory index dropped 1 per cent.
  6. Shipments of Washington state apples increased slightly last week after losing ground for a month, an indication consumers may be overcoming fears of a chemical scare that began in February, an industry official said Friday.
  7. Canadian mills operated at 87% of capacity in the first 10 months compared with 90% a year earlier. Shipments for the first 10 months fell 5.4% to 7,232,000 metric tons from 7,647,000 metric tons a year ago.
  8. Shipments within Canada rose while shipments to the U.S. and other markets fell.
  9. Shipments could fall to a range of 75 to 77 million tons, compared with 77.5 million to 79 million tons in 1991.
  10. Shipments of manufactured goods fell 0.9 percent to $216.9 billion, after rising 1.4 percent in June.
  11. Shipments also raise the possibility of spilling or otherwise losing plutonium at sea.
  12. Shipments of the previously purchased military goods, suspended last week while Central American leaders met to assess regional peace efforts, had been authorized by Congress if a cease-fire wasn't in effect by yesterday.
  13. Shipments of products to Revco stores probably would be disrupted during the next few weeks, but Mr. Sells added that the company currently has an ample supply of inventory valued at more than $500 million.
  14. Shipments of durable goods rose 2.9 percent to $128.7 billion in August, most of which was motor vehicles.
  15. Shipments are expected to begin next fall.
  16. Shipments are expected to decline in the coming months.
  17. Shipments of manufactured goods rose 1.4 percent in May to $217.8 billion, the fourth consecutive month that shipments have increased.
  18. Shipments of steel plate account for only about 5% of all domestic steel shipped.
  19. Shipments of instant film dropped, as retailers lowered inventory, the company said.
  20. Shipments of durable goods rose 0.5 percent last month to $118.7 billion, following a 0.2 percent rise in September.
  21. Shipments were 6.8 per cent down on the year before and so inventories rose by 4.3 per cent.
  22. Shipments of the latest models were first held up by Motorola Inc., which makes the 68040 central processor for the machines.
  23. Shipments rose to 2.5 million tons from 2.4 million.
  24. Shipments of a tiny connector that had been coming in perfect suddenly started showing up with an alarming defect rate in January, and IBM had to find another supplier.
  25. "Supplies are not threatened," Watkins said. "Shortages have not occurred." Shipments of Alaskan North Slope crude from the port of Valdez were temporarily curtailed after the spill, but the flow this week returned to normal.
  26. Shipments from the steel unit declined to 1.7 million tons from 1.9 million tons.
  27. Shipments of fabricated products were down 3 per cent and average realised prices slipped 12 per cent.
  28. Shipments of fabricated products fell 3.8% to 327,000 metric tons from 340,000 metric tons, primarily because of Alcan's late 1986 sale of its extrusion businesses in Europe.
  29. Shipments plunged to 684,000 tons from 3.2 million tons a year earlier.
  30. Shipments in September were $213.5 million, up 16.4% from August's $183.4 million.
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