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 Seminole   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. a member of the Muskhogean people who moved into Florida in the 18th century

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the Muskhogean language of the Seminole

    4. <noun.communication>

    Seminoles \Sem"i*noles\, n. pl.; sing. {Seminole}. (Ethnol.)
    A tribe of Indians who formerly occupied Florida, where some
    of them still remain. They belonged to the Creek

    1. Mrs. Edgmon, a resident of Seminole about 75 miles southwest of here, bristled at any suggestion her brother lacked patriotism, saying he championed the downtrodden and jabbed the well-to-do.
    2. But by the end of the day, only one had been nabbed _ by Cindy Westra, co-founder of Back to Nature, a wildlife rehabilitation and education center near Chuluota in neighboring Seminole County.
    3. "I don't have enough money to solve the world's problems, or Florida's problems or even Seminole County's problems," she said recently at the foundation's modest office. "But I can make a difference.
    4. Before the IRS gets its share, Seminole County has the right to collect $16,900 in unpaid property taxes for 1987, said county Tax Collector G. Troy Ray.
    5. The chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs said Friday he wants the Seminole Indians of Oklahoma and Florida to settle a $50 million dispute themselves instead of asking Congress to handle it.
    6. The wild pig population feeding on garbage at the Seminole County landfill had multiplied to about 1,500, and the county decided it was time to do something.
    7. Seminole Indian firefighters were trying to control a smaller blaze on their reservation in Broward County, said Dempsey.
    8. Seminole was one of 24 of Florida's 67 counties to hold classes Monday.
    9. A barrage of pretrial publicity in the rural, southwest Georgia county of Seminole, site of the 1973 killings of the Alday family, made a fair trial there impossible, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
    10. First, the nest appears to have been built in the past month, long after the Seminole County Expressway Authority plotted where its beltway section would run through the county.
    11. Another fire, on the Seminole reservation in Broward County, was contained after burning 800 acres, Dempsery said.
    12. Tosco said it obtained the right to purchase virtually all of privately held Seminole's stock from Argus Fertilizer of Stamford, Conn., Tosco's largest shareholder.
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