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 seedless ['si:dlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无核的

    [ adj ]
    lacking seeds
    seedless grapefruit

    Seedless \Seed"less\, a.
    Without seed or seeds.

    1. Sun World has launched a national marketing effort for its seedless watermelons, while Petoseed has provided several growers with seeds and is promoting hybrid seedless varieties the company developed.
    2. Sun World has launched a national marketing effort for its seedless watermelons, while Petoseed has provided several growers with seeds and is promoting hybrid seedless varieties the company developed.
    3. He ate several seedless white grapes to show they were safe. "They are very good," said Pinochet, who took power in a bloody 1973 military coup.
    4. Petoseed has developed three seedless varieties, which have been planted on about 600 acres this year.
    5. For example, Pavich says his vineyards in Richgrove produce about 650 lugs of Thompson seedless grapes per acre.
    6. In Hong Kong, health inspectors on Tuesday seized nearly 6.7 tons of Chilean seedless red grapes from importers and wholesalers for testing.
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