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 Schramm 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Schramm)人名;(英、德、葡、捷、瑞典)施拉姆

  1. “The good news is that those assets in China are ever-growing, ” observes Ronald Schramm, a visiting professor at China Europe International Business School in Shanghai.
    “好消息是这些在中国的资产正在前所未有的增长,”Ronald Schramm指出,他是一位位于上海的中欧国际商学院的客座教授。
  2. J.B. Schramm, a graduate of Harvard University’s divinity school, was running a teen center in the basement of a low-income housing project in Washington when he started College Summit in 1993.
    毕业于哈佛大学神学院的施拉姆(J.B. Schramm)1993年发起“大学之峰”组织时,正在首都华盛顿的一栋低收入政府补贴楼里的地下室为青少年开办一家活动中心。
  3. "Sometimes they follow the prey until they are so far away and don't know how to get back," Schramm said.

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