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 Rossetti [rɔ'seti]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    English poet and painter who was a leader of the Pre-Raphaelites (1828-1882)

    1. "If you want to do it right, it's a full-time job," Rossetti said. "I was just fortunate I could work my schedule around Carl." That meant sometimes working into the early-morning hours to keep his family financially afloat.
    2. The new agency, called Bozell Testa Pell Rossetti, will have billings of about $105 million.
    3. These sculptures can be seen as three-dimensional manifestations of the art of Rossetti, William Morris, Burne-Jones, Albert Moore, Lord Leighton and GF Watts.
    4. Rossetti, whose 1951 Providence College class ring is worn smooth from years of hard work, went back to school with Carl in 1975.
    5. According to Mrs. Rossetti, the midwife said that she had asked the young mother if there were any twins in her family and the woman had replied that her aunts were twins.
    6. The college honored the elder Rossetti with a special acknowledgement during the awards banquet for the graduates.
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