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 Romney   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. During his career Romney supervised missionary efforts of the church in Mexico, Europe, South Africa and Asia.
    2. Romney died at home of causes incident to age, according to church spokesman Don Lefevre.
    3. On a September 1967 television interview show, Romney startled the nation by saying he had originally supported the war in Vietnam because he had been brainwashed by the military during a tour of the Southeast Asian country.
    4. Edward Kennedy won a comfortable victory over challenger Mitt Romney, but only after facing the toughest election battle of his 32-year senate career.
    5. "We're very pleased with the returns from our investments," says Mitt Romney, managing partner of Bain Capital in Boston.
    6. He fills a vacancy created by the death of Marion G. Romney, 90, president of the Twelve.
    7. Former Michigan Gov. George Romney says he didn't miss a thing by skipping a trip to the Republican National Convention.
    8. Romney used to rent Milwaukee County Stadium to gather AMC employees and their families for a meeting.
    9. James V. Barnes, 35, of Romney, was captured Sunday night in a vacant vacation home, said West Virginia State Police Cpl.
    10. Mr Romney certainly offered a contrasting candidacy.
    11. In a telephone interview from Bloomfield Hills, Mich., Romney said he had no regrets about the decision to stay home.
    12. He had thus outlived his reputation as a loser, partly by beating Governor Romney of Michigan and Governor Rockefeller of New York in the primaries.
    13. It's a pretty car," Mr. Romney says.
    14. Hope received the National Volunteer Center's George W. Romney Citizen Volunteer Award for his many years of entertaining U.S. troops abroad.
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