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 Ritchie ['ritʃi添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Rock stars Tina Turner, David Bowie, Lionel Ritchie and the Miami Sound Machine also have appeared in Pepsi ads.
    2. The exchange also said Ritchie Baggs, of Salt Lake City, without admitting or denying guilt, was barred for three years from employment with an exchange firm in any supervisory capacity, with one year served.
    3. Carlucci and businessman Joseph Ritchie, however, told the House Public Works and Transportation aviation subcommittee that their plan offered the only hope for restoring Eastern as a major airline.
    4. 'Image is important,' Ritchie maintains.
    5. At the Capitol for a meeting, Ritchie said Truman stood at the door of the chamber where he previously served, but decided not to go in.
    6. Truck driver Anthony W. Ritchie, 23, of Criders, Va., was also admitted for observation.
    7. Before submitting formal bids, Ritchie, Howard and their associates had extensive talks with representatives of Eastern's unions and creditors.
    8. After graduating Wheaton College in suburban Chicago with a bachelors degree in philosophy _ "I hated school," he says _ Ritchie took the bus driving job in Chicago.
    9. As a manager, Ritchie said he prefers to "turn people loose" rather than control them.
    10. Ritchie compared the Keating hearings to a congressional investigation into the 1929 Wall Street crash.
    11. Los Lobos, whose version of "La Bamba" was a bigger hit than the original adaptation of the Mexican folk tune by the late Ritchie Valens, were nominated for record of the year, song of the year and best pop performane by a duo or group with vocal.
    12. Ian Ritchie, general manager of Opera North, felt that colleagues on his course at Ashridge 'didn't see how somebody like me was actually running a serious business'.
    13. Gordon Ritchie, a trade consultant who was deputy chief negotiator of the trade pact, said that from Canada's perspective, "the track record of the panels is very, very good."
    14. The pilots union released a statement late Tuesday from the Ritchie group saying it plans to submit a revised offer that would address Shapiro's "concerns over the need for substantial equity capital."
    15. Lifland said three weeks ago the court would no longer consider the buyout offer of Chicago commodities trader Joseph Ritchie, although he said Ritchie was free to pursue his offer with Eastern.
    16. Lifland said three weeks ago the court would no longer consider the buyout offer of Chicago commodities trader Joseph Ritchie, although he said Ritchie was free to pursue his offer with Eastern.
    17. Meanwhile, junior David Ritchie was having a grand time as the university's chief executive officer, abolishing parking fees and giving pleasant contemplation to the idea of canceling classes.
    18. Cedric E. Ritchie, chairman and chief executive officer of Toronto-based Bank of Nova Scotia, was named a director of this maker of machinery, bearings and door hardware.
    19. The 22-year-old, a soldier with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery based in West Germany, "just ran out of gas," said his coach, Jim Ritchie.
    20. "The Ritchie plan is a colossal joke.
    21. The Los Angeles-based band Los Lobos, whose version of "La Bamba" was a bigger hit than the original adaptation of the Mexican folk tune by the late Ritchie Valens, came away with nothing despite four nominations.
    22. In addition to Carlucci, Ritchie, who is head of the Chicago Research and Trading Group, is being assisted by Joseph Wright, a former director of the Office of Management and Budget.
    23. Ritchie, a conservative Republican, is the American partner in JV Dialogue, a U.S.-Soviet joint venture that sells personal computers in the Soviet Union.
    24. Ritchie agrees that there is an ethical line, but he says it keeps moving and is easy to cross unwittingly.
    25. Most of Eastern's creditors in U.S. Bankruptcy Court have expressed approval of the company's rebuilding plans, while the unions are backing a buyout bid by Chicago options trader Joseph Ritchie.
    26. The bid by Joseph Ritchie was the second submitted to a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge for the airline, which has been flying limited schedules since its International Association of Machinists employees began a strike March 4.
    27. The City Hall reception featured songs by Los Lobos, an East Los Angeles group that gave its musical bounce to last year's hit film about Ritchie Valens, who died in a 1959 plane crash with rock legend Buddy Holly.
    28. The unions, including striking flight attendants, predicted Eastern couldn't rebuild without them and are backing a buyout bid by Chicago businessman Joseph Ritchie, which has been spurned by Eastern's parent Texas Air Corp.
    29. 'The greatest shortcoming in personal pensions is the volatility in the final value of the pension,' said Stewart Ritchie, pensions director at Scottish Equitable.
    30. One is Mr Martin Ritchie, who runs Spider Systems, an Edinburgh-based company with Pounds 20m turnover which designs its own computer networking systems.
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