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 riskiness ['riskinis添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 富有冒险性的事, 危险

    [ noun ]
    a state of danger involving risk

    1. In particular, the rate must increase with the riskiness of the relationship with the cardholder.
    2. There was also a fall in risk-weighted assets, or assets revalued to take account of their inherent riskiness. This drop in loans and other assets was no accident, according to Mr Derek Wanless, a director.
    3. He said the rating on some Ameritrust bonds had slipped in recent years largely because of increased riskiness in its loan portfolio.
    4. The purpose of the international accord was to link capital requirements to the riskiness of bank assets.
    5. The amount of capital needed would vary with the riskiness of investment portfolios.
    6. Thus, it is not necessarily true that raising capital standards for banks will leave them stronger; in fact, if banks must strive to meet higher capital requirements they may weaken themselves by increasing the relative riskiness of their portfolios.
    7. Keeping scientific satellites off manned vehicles should make the satellites easier to build and cheaper, he said, even though it increases their riskiness.
    8. Furthermore, since a bank's costs are no longer tied to its riskiness, the bank has an incentive to invest in riskier loans, which increases the probability of bank failure.
    9. Banks from the first two countries at least have got around the problem by issuing stock through subsidiaries located abroad - which has drawn protests from UK and US institutions. Under the accord, a bank's assets are weighted according to riskiness.
    10. The guidelines, which would link minimum capital requirements to the riskiness of bank assets, would apply domestically the standard that the central banks of 12 major industrialized nations tentatively agreed on last month in Basel, Switzerland.
    11. If the inherent riskiness of the business had been reduced, the risk of lending to it should also have been reduced. O&Y's 100 banks each have a different tale of woe concerning how they misunderstood the risks of lending to it.
    12. Further complicating the matter is the fact that national bank capital standards will be overhauled by 1991 in a way that varies required capital depending on the riskiness of an institution's loans and other investments.
    13. Mr. LaWare also praised the Fed's plan to base bank capital requirements on the riskiness of their loans.
    14. The highly publicized Kloeckner case, however, exposed the riskiness of the investment West Germans call genuessscheine.
    15. Worries about the riskiness of stocks weren't fashionable in the late bull market when stocks seemed able to keep defying gravity.
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