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 Retailing ['ri:teiliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 零售业

  1. Who is responsible for retailing these rumors about him?
  2. Not yet. Personally, I consider the fashions I saw unlikely to sell well in the retail trade.

[ noun ]
the activities involved in selling commodities directly to consumers

Retail \Re*tail"\ (r[-e]*t[=a]l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Retailed};p. pr. & vb. n. {Retailing}.] [Cf. F. retailler to
cut again; pref. re- re + tailler to cut. See {Retail}, n.,
{Tailor}, and cf. {Detail}.]
1. To sell in small quantities, as by the single yard, pound,
gallon, etc.; to sell directly to the consumer; as, to
retail cloth or groceries.

2. To sell at second hand. [Obs. or R.] --Pope.

3. To distribute in small portions or at second hand; to tell
again or to many (what has been told or done); to report;
as, to retail slander. ``To whom I will retail my conquest
won.'' --Shak.

He is wit's peddler, and retails his wares
At wakes and wassails. --Shak.

  1. As reported, General Mills is seeking buyers for its Specialty Retailing group, which would complete its restructuring efforts.
  2. "It's very hard to buy a car in this atmosphere." Retailing giant Sears, Roebuck and Co. is freezing the salaries of 20,000 employees for one year in a cost-cutting move, a published report said today.
  3. Retailing stocks have fallen sharply in recent sessions on nervousness about Christmas trading, and analysts said the interest rate rise could only add to the gloom in the sector. Kingfisher declined 7 to 434p and Dixons shed 3 1/2 to 184p.
  4. Retailing MD: David Brooks HQ: Long Eaton, Nottingham Plans to revamp existing gas appliance retail chain by, eg, setting up its own warehousing and distribution system.
  5. Retailing analysts expect fourth-quarter earnings to remain sluggish, judging by sales in the first two weeks of November.
  6. Specialty Retailing ideas may be unique but they can quickly fade.
  7. "Retailing is our fastest growing industry," says Morris Perlis, executive vice president of the personal card division.
  8. Retailing magnate Robert Campeau's $6.6 billion takeover of the Federated Department Store empire topped a surge in Canadian investment south of the border.
  9. Retailing at $195, it is used on a CD-ROM player attached to a personal computer.
  10. Image Retailing is a consumer electronics company based in Minneapolis.
  11. Specialty Retailing includes the Talbots women's fashion outlets and Eddie Bauer sports and recreational apparel chain.
  12. Retailing executives were particularly negative, with their expectations for gains in sales and profits falling to the lowest level since the 1983 fourth quarter.
  13. Retailing Retailers took a big hit in the first 48 hours of fighting.
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