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 rescue ['reskju:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 援救, 解救, 营救

vt. 援救, 救出, 营救

[法] 营救, 援救, 暴力夺回; 援救, 营救, 暴力夺回

    [ noun ]
    1. recovery or preservation from loss or danger

    2. <noun.act>
      work is the deliverance of mankind
      a surgeon's job is the saving of lives
    [ verb ]
    1. free from harm or evil

    2. <verb.social> deliver
    3. take forcibly from legal custody

    4. <verb.possession>
      rescue prisoners

    Rescue \Res"cue\ (r[e^]s"k[-u]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rescued}
    (-k?d);p. pr. & vb. n. {Rescuing}.] [OE. rescopuen, OF.
    rescourre, rescurre, rescorre; L. pref. re- re- + excutere to
    shake or drive out; ex out + quatere to shake. See {Qtash} to
    crush, {Rercussion}.]
    To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger, or
    evil; to liberate from actual restraint; to remove or
    withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a
    prisoner from the enemy; to rescue seamen from destruction.

    Had I been seized by a hungry lion,
    I would have been a breakfast to the best,
    Rather than have false Proteus rescue me. --Shak.

    Syn: To retake; recapture; free; deliver; liberate; release;

    Rescue \Res"cue\ (r[e^]s"k[-u]), n. [From {Rescue}, v.; cf.
    1. The act of rescuing; deliverance from restraint, violence,
    or danger; liberation.

    Spur to the rescue of the noble Talbot. --Shak.

    2. (Law)
    (a) The forcible retaking, or taking away, against law, of
    things lawfully distrained.
    (b) The forcible liberation of a person from an arrest or
    (c) The retaking by a party captured of a prize made by
    the enemy. --Bouvier.

    The rescue of a prisoner from the court is
    punished with perpetual imprisonment and
    forfeiture of goods. --Blackstone.

    {Rescue grass}. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Bot.) A tall grass
    ({Ceratochloa unioloides}) somewhat resembling chess,
    cultivated for hay and forage in the Southern States.

    1. Guerrillas armed with assault rifles killed a West German priest when he tried to rescue another missionary who was being attacked with a hatchet, a church spokesman said Wednesday.
    2. The FNFC issue of convertible preference shares, a rescue operation, came as the consumer credit company announced a Pounds 32m pre-tax loss for the year. This, at least, was fact rather than rumour.
    3. President Reagan acknowledged today that he leaves office "without a hint or a clue" as to the whereabouts of Americans held hostage in Lebanon and said any overt rescue attempt could risk their execution.
    4. Great as it is, "Do You Love Me?" doesn't rescue the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack albums from the contempt of all prudent consumers.
    5. At one point early in the expedition, two of the team's three sleds were damaged in a crashing descent on ice, and at another point, a French doctor had to descend into an ice crevasse to rescue a stranded sled dog.
    6. Intelsat's board of governors authorized the rescue attempt during a weeklong meeting in Barbados that ended Wednesday.
    7. Aage Danielsen, a Norwegian rescue vessel captain, said the missing passengers were believed still on the ferry.
    8. A Navy admiral has rejected the appeals of four rescue instructors charged in the death of an airman who was dragged into a swimming pool while classmates sang to drown out his screams for help.
    9. But Kremin said more than a dozen witnesses will swear that nothing was thrown at the rescue workers.
    10. Turkish civil defense workers, helped by a 32-member West German rescue team with search dogs, shoveled through the mud and stones that roared down on the mountain village Thursday morning.
    11. Roth's amendment stems from the death of Lee Mirecki, who died March 2 during Navy rescue swimmer training in Florida.
    12. Hope faded Friday that a "hover-barge" could be used to break ice to rescue the giant mammals.
    13. That, along with several last minute recalculations helped make the numbers come out right on the cost of the rescue package, satisfying the board as well as the Bass Group.
    14. Yesterday Mr Theo Waigel, the German finance minister, and Mr Michel Sapin, his French counterpart, ruled out such a mini-monetary union. Others believe that monetary easing in Germany will come early enough to rescue the French franc from devaluation.
    15. This custom needs to be outlawed in the interests of objectivity and a 'rescue culture'. I hope that the lessons learned from the current spate of avoidable receiverships will be used by the authorities to amend the regime.
    16. A Virgin Atlantic airline jumbo jet left London's Gatwick Airport today for Baghdad to rescue sick and elderly Britons, airline officials said.
    17. Foreign rescue teams gave up searching last week, convinced no survivors would be found.
    18. On the right, details of a rescue operation for the U.S. Farm Credit System.
    19. Rambo to the rescue, assisted by one Afghani and a kid.
    20. The Swiss Disaster Relief Corps offered to send rescue experts and search dogs to help locate earthquake victims, a spokesman said.
    21. Belgrade radio described the impact as "tremendous." Special rescue teams were trying to extricate passengers from the tangled mass of metal, the reports said without giving a cause of the accident.
    22. The U.S. Air Force based in Osan, 25 miles south of Seoul, used helicopters and 20 paramedics to rescue stranded flood victims.
    23. His story is one of the dramatic accounts told Tuesday night at a reunion of the more than 100 soldiers and former hostages involved in Israel's bold rescue of the civilian captives.
    24. Liberians have long hoped that the hundreds of U.S. Marines who swooped into Monrovia on Sunday to rescue Americans and shore up Embassy defenses would also help end their civil war.
    25. At least 2,000 people gathered at the swept-clean site of a collapsed department store to mourn the 14 dead and hear the disaster and rescue described as "our finest hour as well as our greatest tragedy." "The disaster is now over.
    26. "However much money they're spending on the rescue is fine," said Patty Warhol, director of the American Cetacean Society in San Pedro, Calif.
    27. A growing number of emergency rescue teams are equipped with so-called defibrillator paddles used to deliver an electrical shock to restore a patient's heartbeat.
    28. The discovery of survivors on remote islands lifted the hopes of rescue workers, who have found the bodies of at least 32 people. Other reports put the death toll at 26.
    29. But why would Hanoi rescue the crewmen only to imprison them?
    30. In its second rescue of a troubled Texas retailer, an Australian property and retail company has signed a letter of intent to buy the Frost Bros. chain for an undisclosed sum.
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