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 Reginald ['redʒinəld]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雷金纳德(男子名)

    1. But for brain tests, the unwieldy machines "would have required patients to stand on their heads," says Reginald Bickford, a researcher at the University of California at San Diego.
    2. The guard, Reginald deGueldre, also reportedly allowed Spence and some friends to take midnight tours of White House public areas last year.
    3. The volumes include mostly European and a few American authors, said Reginald Gibbons, an English literature professor at Northwestern University.
    4. "A Christmas CArol" (1938): A compassionate look at Scrooge, starring Reginald Owen and GEne Lockhart.
    5. Sonoma County Public Defender Marteen Miller requested a continuance for at least two months, but prosecutors argued against the delay and visiting Judge Reginald Littrell of Sierra County agreed with them.
    6. The FBI is inquiring about former Fulton County Commissioner Reginald Eaves, who was involved in a financial conflict-of-interest scandal at the Atlanta school, where Sullivan is president.
    7. Reginald Lewis's TLC Beatrice International Holdings Inc. continued to dominate the list.
    8. Reginald Eklund, the chief executive of Yale Materials Handling Corp., says the maker of electric trucks isn't trying to underprice Japanese lift-truck makers to win market share.
    9. Its roots are very deep," says Reginald September, a member of the ANC's National Executive Committee in Lusaka.
    10. When the late Reginald Maudling published his book in 1978, it was called simply Memoirs and ran to under 300 pages.
    11. TLC, founded by Reginald F. Lewis in 1983, completed the nearly $1 billion leveraged buyout of Beatrice International in December. Since then TLC has sold off a number of Beatrice's overseas operations.
    12. Mr Reginald Brealey was charged with insider dealing, but the Crown Prosecution Service offered no evidence at his trial. Mr Justice Popplewell said yesterday the first issue was whether the shareholders had the legal standing to seek judicial review.
    13. For three-year-old TLC Group, run by Reginald F. Lewis, Beatrice's international operation is by far its largest acquisition.
    14. Sharon Ziegler, whose husband, Reginald, died in the explosion, said he had complained several times about conditions in the turret where the blast occurred.
    15. Jackson was convicted in his latest trial of killing Walter Washington, 25; his wife Edna, 21; Larry Finney, 26; and Terrence and Reginald Manuel in March 1981.
    16. Reginald K. Brack, head of Time's magazine group, said Whittle Communications' earnings have grown at a 20 percent annual rate over the past five years. "You have to be impressed with Whittle's track record," he said.
    17. The company, controlled by investor Reginald F. Lewis, cited weak market conditions and a lack of interest from institutional investors in canceling the plan to offer a 35 percent interest to the public.
    18. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, he will join the company's corporate policy committee and report directly to Time Chairman and President Reginald K. Brack Jr.
    19. Adapted long form: Reginald Rose, "Escape from Sobibor," CBS.
    20. "Our first-quarter results are encouraging because virtually all of our operating units are performing well," Reginald F. Lewis, company chairman and principal stockholder, said in a statement.
    21. Reginald Smith said officers would be working to keep the streets clear of crime and vice while Washington is full of visitors celebrating the installation of a new president.
    22. Chubby Reginald VelJohnson is on hand to do a milder variant on the supporting cop role he played in "Die Hard."
    23. Reginald Veljohnson, perhaps best known as the cop in "Die Hard," plays her police officer husband.
    24. Reginald Smith said the department's crackdown on drug activity was a prime reason that the situation hadn't gotten worse this year.
    25. Under Secretary of State Reginald Bartholomew will head the U.S. team.
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