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 Rangifer tarandus 添加此单词到默认生词本

    rangifer tarandus
    [ noun ]
    Arctic deer with large antlers in both sexes; called `reindeer' in Eurasia and `caribou' in North America

    Reindeer \Rein"deer`\ (r?n"d?r), n. [Icel. hreinn reindeer + E.
    deer. Icel. hreinn is of Lapp or Finnish origin; cf. Lappish
    reino pasturage.] [Formerly written also {raindeer}, and
    {ranedeer}.] (Zool.)
    Any ruminant of the genus {Rangifer}, of the Deer family,
    found in the colder parts of both the Eastern and Western
    hemispheres, and having long irregularly branched antlers,
    with the brow tines palmate.

    Note: The common European species ({Rangifer tarandus}) is
    domesticated in Lapland. The woodland reindeer or
    caribou ({Rangifer caribou}) is found in Canada and
    Maine (see {Caribou}.) The Barren Ground reindeer or
    caribou ({Rangifer Gr[oe]nlandicus}), of smaller size,
    is found on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in both

    {Reindeer moss} (Bot.), a gray branching lichen ({Cladonia
    rangiferina}) which forms extensive patches on the ground
    in arctic and even in north temperature regions. It is the
    principal food of the Lapland reindeer in winter.

    {Reindeer period} (Geol.), a name sometimes given to a part
    of the Paleolithic era when the reindeer was common over
    Central Europe.

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