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 Piscataway 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. On Saturday, the coalition will hold a Counter-Inaugural Forum at All Soul's Church, followed on Sunday by an interfaith gathering outside the National Cathedral featuring traditional Native American prayers from representatives of the Piscataway nation.
    2. Merrill gamely squeezes revenue from outsider use of in-house facilities like its Tritech Services arm in Piscataway, N.J., which has printed the magazine since February.
    3. Today, as a health specialist at the Piscataway facility, she lights up the faces of the patients with her joshing, her hugs and an occasional tickle.
    4. Several people urge Gus to bring his wife to the Piscataway day-care center, and they suggest ways of overcoming her resistance to the idea.
    5. But on Monday, Honeywell Inc. announced a joint venture to supply automated production controls for Soviet fertilizer factories, and on Tuesday Roma Food Enterprises of Piscataway, N.J., began selling pizza in Moscow from a mobile van.
    6. A woman answering the telephone at the company's Piscataway office said an official would not be available for comment until Monday.
    7. Who doesn't love pizza?" said Louis Piancone Sr., president of Roma Food Enterprises Inc. in Piscataway, which is participating in the joint venture.
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