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 Patients 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 病人

  1. Overflow patients lay on the floors and in the corridors.
  2. Drugs can make violent patients controllable.

  1. While acknowledging that silicone implants did produce tumors in rats, a Dow Corning spokesman says, "Patients face no significant risk.
  2. Patients with immune deficiency who have suffered from this form of meningitis require lifetime maintenance therapy to prevent recurrences.
  3. Patients learn the names of muscles they may no longer have.
  4. Patients' advocates raise another ethical question: To what degree should the affluent be able to obtain experimental drugs that the poor can't afford?
  5. Patients could have been harmed if doctors didn't realize the difference.
  6. Patients get the drugs for free, while pharmacists mail the certificates to Searle for reimbursement.
  7. Patients are often driven into poverty to get treatment for their disease, but for many poor and near-poor people, a stigma against public assistance prevents them from applying for benefits, it said.
  8. Patients in the low-dose group were found to have fewer side effects than those in the high-dose group without any apparent difference in benefit.
  9. Patients recognize their behavior is irrational, but cannot control it.
  10. Patients pay an average of $9,376 for two in vitro fertilization attempts, the report said.
  11. Patients are finding that insurance is more readily accepted up front as payment.
  12. Patients that are unresponsive or intolerant to the simplest drugs progressively receive more potent medications such as Methotrexate.
  13. 'Patients with no mental illness will stop taking their pills once they feel well,' said Rogoff. 'With schizophrenic patients this is an even greater risk.
  14. Thermometers and Shots For Timorous Patients Makers of medical equipment use technology to make a visit to the doctor's office more pleasant.
  15. Patients may be too old or too sick to begin with.
  16. Patients who cannot tolerate AZT would be ineligible for these trials.
  17. Patients aren't required to have stopped taking drugs to get help; the staff believes it wouldn't be realistic to expect that in such a program.
  18. Patients received either dummy shots of salt water or real food extracts.
  19. Patients are warned that a new procedure is risky but decide to go ahead anyhow and are angered if things turn out badly.
  20. Patients with such heartbeat irregularities are known to have a two-to-three-times greater chance of dying from a later heart attack than those without such heart arrhythmias.
  21. Patients would be given these together with the correct CFTR protein. Smith reckons that the mutant protein does not fold properly, so it gets stuck in the cell and broken down there.
  22. Patients pay up to $200 for the same dose through doctors and pharmacies.
  23. "Patients who have had AIDS longer or who are more debilitated may be more susceptible to the toxic effects of AZT," Dr. Richman wrote in one of the reports.
  24. Patients undergo general anesthesia and are injected with a salt-water solution to make the fat pliable.
  25. Patients had no hot water or hot food because of the flooding.
  26. Patients treated with VIDEX in combination with stavudine may be at increased risk for adverse events such as pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, and liver function abnormalities.
  27. Patients who have lived in a nursing home for fewer than 30 months also must be screened for mental illness and mental retardtion, under the law.
  28. Patients went AWOL to walk to the corner gas station to buy cigarettes. "They were sneaking out at night, climbing out of windows," Capretto said.
  29. Patients who have been given the device faced a 25 percent chance of dying each year without it, and practically none would have survived five years.
  30. Patients' families need to keep constant tabs on the progress of their donor search.
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