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 Parrish ['pæriʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    United States painter (1870-1966)

    1. "It's like you got no choice, because it's coming right into your living room," said Parrish Smith of rap group EPMD.
    2. "The market needs more and more to feed itself," said Arthur Parrish, a grain analyst at Shearson Lehman Hutton, New York.
    3. He offered Mr. Parrish $1 million, more than the $700,000 base the PRC advised paying but much less than an All-Star catcher would have commanded before.
    4. Richard Parrish, president of the family-run dealership, said the business had been hurt by the advertisements.
    5. The girls on the top floor of Parrish Hall defended their lingerie by dumping wastebaskets of water on the male marauders and inserting toilet plungers into the handles of the dorm's double doors.
    6. But Parrish and her partners, Roxie Kelly and Shelly Reeves-Smith, are serious about carving their own niche in a market ruled by huge corporations.
    7. Mr. Parrish, however, said that no such agreement has been reached.
    8. Parrish said he would not speculate on when the department's formal report fixing the cause of the explosions will be finished.
    9. "With the fact that we're heading up against a big holiday weekend, people wanted to even up a bit and they tended to be hesitant to do anything major," said Arthur Parrish, a grain market analyst with Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. in New York.
    10. In Pennsylvania, community activist Janet Parrish said the December cold snap and temporary jump in home heating oil prices _ as high as $1.62 per gallon _ worsened backlogs in processing aid applications.
    11. "The thing I wonder a bit about his hypothesis is that it's so different from what is usually seen in thiamine deficiency," said Dr. Gib Parrish, a medical epidemiologist and pathologist at the CDC.
    12. "It is ironic that as U.S. food companies work to keep this information secret at home, they have been providing the very same information to consumers overseas," said Robert Parrish, a CSPI staff attorney.
    13. Police seized 45 insurance policies from locked closets and safes at Ms. Parrish's home.
    14. Fire Chief Roy Parrish said Wednesday that the Fire Department would withhold judgment until it completes an investigation of the blast, which caused an estimated $73 million in damage.
    15. The Phoenix firm of Morrison, Hecker, Curtis, Kuder & Parrish is representing the RTC in the Lincoln case.
    16. Mr. Parrish said that more than 300 people who have dialed the company's 900 and 800 lines have won major prizes, including $10,000 in cash.
    17. Ronald L. Parrish was named to the new position of vice president, corporate development, of this electronics retailer and manufacturer. His responsibilities will include mergers and acquisitions and the company's credit subsidiary.
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