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 PUC 添加此单词到默认生词本
[军] Production Unit Cost, 产品单价

    1. In California they were written by a populist-minded PUC installed by former Gov. Jerry Brown and they get strong support from forces that have set about to break the "monopoly power" of electric utilities.
    2. Five days later, the PUC board voted to reverse much of the judge's decision.
    3. The California Public Utilities Commission said Southern California Gas Co. agreed not to seek a $126 million rate increase next year in exchange for a revision in the PUC's procedure for approving future rate proposals.
    4. An PUC investigation determined PECO did not alert a "responsible adult" in the family that service would be terminated but instead told a neighbor.
    5. Gulf States wanted to return to the PUC to try to add these costs to customers' bills.
    6. David Shantz, a program manager in the PUC's Division of Ratepayer Advocates, which represents telephone users, says, "Centex is what I call a price arbitrager.
    7. PUC member Donald Vial called the plan "reasonable, consistent with the law and in the public interest."
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