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 Ozzie ['ɔzi:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 奥齐(Oswald的异体)(m.)

    1. For example, a tape of Rep. Michael "Ozzie" Myers, D-Pa., taking a $50,000 payoff from an undercover FBI agent posing as an Arab shiek led to the lawmaker's conviction and expulsion from Congress.
    2. The spot seemed appropriate for a company that spent years hunting for the pot of gold it lost when waves of working mothers and faster-paced lifestyles made its trademark home-party sales system seem like an "Ozzie and Harriet" era anachronism.
    3. "You wore a Cardinal uniform, as we look at Ozzie," Scully said.
    4. It flashes back to Ozzie and Harriet's early years together, then traces their son's life and career, winding up with his star-studded funeral.
    5. In 1944, "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" made its debut on CBS radio, an event that coincided with Ozzie and Harriet Nelson's ninth wedding anniversary.
    6. In 1944, "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" made its debut on CBS radio, an event that coincided with Ozzie and Harriet Nelson's ninth wedding anniversary.
    7. "I did not grow up in Ozzie and Harriet's home or in a Father Knows Best home.
    8. "If Vince singles, he's usually on second when Ozzie or I come up, so a single scores him," Herr says.
    9. In the Browns' boudoir, veteran tight end Ozzie Newsome was saying that, perhaps, adversity would rally his team where high hopes had failed.
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