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 Oxon   添加此单词到默认生词本
(=Oxfordshire)牛津郡(英格兰中南部的一郡, 首府Oxford)

    1. Barnes and his then-fiance, of Oxon Hill, Md., were attacked in April 1987 by Willie Horton, who had fled Massachusetts while out of prison under that state's furlough program.
    2. The student, who is enrolled at the school but is not a member of the Oxon Hill football team, was temporarily suspended Monday, school officials said.
    3. "This isn't political to my wife and I," said Cliff Barnes, a former resident of Oxon Hill, Md., explaining his non-partisan position.
    4. Applications should be received by June 18 this year. Details about the Oxford College of Garden Design are available from 34 Kings Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 2DG.
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