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 North [nɔrθ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 北方, 北

a. 北的, 北方的

ad. 向北方, 在北方

    [ noun ]
    1. the region of the United States lying to the north of the Mason-Dixon line

    2. <noun.location>
    3. the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)

    4. <noun.location>
      he has visited every state in the Union
      Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union
      the North's superior resources turned the scale
    5. the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees

    6. <noun.linkdef>
    7. a location in the northern part of a country, region, or city

    8. <noun.location>
    9. the direction corresponding to the northward cardinal compass point

    10. <noun.linkdef>
    11. the direction in which a compass needle points

    12. <noun.linkdef>
    13. British statesman under George III whose policies led to rebellion in the American colonies (1732-1792)

    14. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north

    2. <adj.all>
      artists like north light
      the north portico
    [ adv ]
    1. in a northern direction

    2. <adv.all>
      they earn more up north
      Let's go north!

    North \North\, v. i.
    To turn or move toward the north; to veer from the east or
    west toward the north.

    North \North\ (n[^o]rth), n. [AS. nor[eth]; akin to D. noord,
    G., Sw., & Dan. nord, Icel. nor[eth]r. Cf. {Norman},
    1. That one of the four cardinal points of the compass, at
    any place, which lies in the direction of the true
    meridian, and to the left hand of a person facing the
    east; the direction opposite to the south.

    2. Any country or region situated farther to the north than
    another; the northern section of a country.

    3. Specifically: That part of the United States lying north
    of Mason and Dixon's line. See under {Line}.

    North \North\, adv.

    North \North\, a.
    Lying toward the north; situated at the north, or in a
    northern direction from the point of observation or
    reckoning; proceeding toward the north, or coming from the

    {North following}. See {Following}, a., 2.

    {North pole}, that point in the heavens, or on the earth,
    ninety degrees from the equator toward the north.

    {North preceding}. See {Following}, a., 2.

    {North star}, the star toward which the north pole of the
    earth very nearly points, and which accordingly seems
    fixed and immovable in the sky. The star [alpha] (alpha)
    of the Little Bear, is our present north star, being
    distant from the pole about 1[deg] 25', and from year to
    year approaching slowly nearer to it. It is called also
    {Cynosura}, {polestar}, and by astronomers, {Polaris}.

    1. Joseph Fernandez, former CIA station chief in Costa Rica. Charged with obstruction and making false statements in connection with his assistance to North's Contra resupply network.
    2. It has been a good week for North American executives who supposedly lost out in the John Akers/Lou Gerstner succession at IBM.
    3. The decisions were released as Gesell took the bench for a third straight day of closed hearings on North's objections to censoring 395 government documents that independent counsel Lawrence E. Walsh wants to use as evidence against him.
    4. Strong buying from North America and Europe stopped the dollar's drop, traders said.
    5. "We aren't so foolish as to think someone looking to buy his third BMW will switch to Sterling," says Raymond Ketchledge, president of Austin Rover of North America, which is partly owned by Rover.
    6. Elsewhere in Yellowstone, wind pushed the North Fork fire to cover about 74,000 acres, a growth of 5,000 acres from reports Thursday.
    7. The Soviet Union has been a major ally and arms provider for North Korea.
    8. When he testified at his own trial last year, North implicated a number of other Reagan administration figures, including Poindexter.
    9. The record cold air that stunned Alaska swept into the lower 48 states Tuesday, dropping temperatures in Montana by more than 70 degrees in less than a day, and the weather system keeping Alaska cold intensified to a North American record.
    10. The troupe then embarks on a 20-city North American tour.
    11. Repeating an argument made during the eight-week trial, North's lawyers said he was mostly charged with activities that were "authorized by his superiors." "A prison sentence for Lt.
    12. Open up one of Doctorow's books and be prepared: Harry Houdini may come to visit; Emma Goldman might offer advice on love; and Admiral Peary may invite readers along on a trip to the North Pole.
    13. Sales of cars and light trucks built in North America fell 15.4% early this month from a year earlier.
    14. But North End natives remember.
    15. Calling the United States a "nation at risk," Oliver North criticized the news media and Congress and praised President Reagan in a speech before a friendly audience of about 200 people.
    16. Separately, GM said that as of a June 1 deadline, about 12,400 North American blue-collar workers had accepted bonuses to quit their jobs or take early retirement.
    17. Earlier in the day, prices for North Sea Brent fell by 65 cents to 70 cents a barrel on European spot markets, with some cargoes trading below $13 a barrel.
    18. Last fall, GM took a $2.1 billion charge to cover the closing of seven assembly plants in North America.
    19. The prime minister of North Korea will visit South Korean President Roh Tae-woo next week in what is viewed as a first step toward mutual recognition by the rival nations.
    20. Other crudes said to be involved in the formula are Alaskan North Slope and a Dubai crude.
    21. U.S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell made the comment at a hearing where the government argued that North's subpoenas served last month for the testimony of Bush and Reagan should be quashed.
    22. GM declined to say which of the company's 100 plants in North America would be affected.
    23. There were indications that the drought-induced slaughter of 1991 could lead to reduced production this year. The report says significant cost savings of about 30 per cent were made during the year on freight costs to North America.
    24. On Wednesday North Korea's first deputy minister for foreign affairs, Kang Sok Ju, will make his first appearance before the General Assembly.
    25. The government thwarted students' attempts to march to the bordertruce village of Panmunjom for a meeting with North Korean students June 10, when more than 10,000 students clashed with riot police.
    26. For example, pesticide savings were only $6.74 per acre in the North Carolina piedmont, but were $24.97 per acre in the South Carolina piedmont.
    27. Col. North testified yesterday that he was discouraged by prospects for the initiative in late January 1986, and that Mr. Ghorbanifar, sensing that the sales might fall through, offered the ex-aide a $1 million bribe if he would pursue the policy.
    28. By far the biggest internal migration was the flow of two million blacks from the agricultural South to the factories of the North, which began during World War I and lasted for three decades.
    29. In April 1987, Miller had requested a report from the Fish and Wildlife Service on the environmental impact of drilling in Alaska's North Slope.
    30. It put signs on the Virginia side saying the real sale was in North Carolina; the Virginians retaliated with similar signs in North Carolina.
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