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 Nebraska [nə'bræskə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 内布拉斯加州, (美国中西部的一州)

    [ noun ]
    a midwestern state on the Great Plains

    1. Rain also fell in sections of the Dakotas, while snowshowers were scattered from western Nebraska into the central Colorado Rockies.
    2. GP Express, an independent airline serving much of Nebraska, estimates that nearly 40% of its revenues come from the subsidies that, in some cases, exceed the cost of a ticket.
    3. Snowshowers were scattered in Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska.
    4. The Nebraska State Patrol said it was investigating the letter that Mrs. Orr received last August.
    5. The first gorilla twins born alive in captivity in the Western Hemisphere will be permanently separated next week when one is shipped to a Nebraska zoo.
    6. At midday, showers extended from south-central Kansas across south-central Nebraska, over north-central Illinois, from Ohio and eastern Kentucky across western Pennsylvania, and from northeastern New York state across northern and central New England.
    7. More than 100 world leaders passed along greetings of peace Monday in the 16th annual World Hello Day organized by two Nebraska brothers.
    8. A lightning-sparked fire burned along a 20-mile front in northwestern Nebraska, threatening the community of Crawford and forcing the evacuation of more than 629 people from a hospital, nursing home and Fort Robinson State Park.
    9. Democrats bolstered their majority control of the Senate by ousting three-term GOP maverick Lowell Weicker of Connecticut, who refused to concede defeat, and by capturing Republican seats in Virginia, Nevada and Nebraska.
    10. Some of the recent problems besetting the Bush campaign: _He unintentionally handed Jesse Jackson a new issue with his characterization of the Democrat as "the hustler from Chicago" in a speech to a GOP audience in Nebraska.
    11. The Massachusetts governor spent four days campaigning in Ohio and Indiana, but figured only a two-day swing through next week's primary states in West Virginia and Nebraska would be sufficient to move them into his column.
    12. Over the weekend, a Nebraska man called and ordered chili for his son, who had lived in New Mexico.
    13. "I think their influence has deteriorated some," says Sen. J. James Exon, a conservative Nebraska Democrat with a long record of backing the NRA.
    14. Most Nebraska callers have had 10 to 15 of the birds.
    15. She was in North Platte to attend the Miss Nebraska pageant.
    16. Less destructive thunderstorms were reported across southern Iowa and eastern Nebraska this morning.
    17. But Mr. Cavazos is said to be reluctant to extend the Nebraska exemption to HEAF and its troubled guarantee portfolio.
    18. Showers and thunderstorms developed during the afternoon over the central High Plains, including eastern Colorado, southeastern Wyoming and westernmost Nebraska, as a cold front approached from the north.
    19. At the outset of the campaign, Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey was touted as Hollywood's leading man for 1992, in part because of his onetime romance with actress Debra Winger.
    20. The company already has options on the land. Opponents say the tract contains wetlands and any leaks could contaminate Nebraska's groundwater.
    21. And some states in the center of the area, stretching from West Virginia to Nebraska and from Wisconsin to Missouri, may be even drier.
    22. Nebraska also says its tax is imposed on dealers' "gross receipts" and that a manufacturer's rebate received after the completion of a sale doesn't affect the total amount the dealer gets for the sale.
    23. Parts of Nebraska were among the hardest hit by storms in the central and southern Plains Friday night and early today.
    24. The group said the Platte faces two major problems, the Two Forks water storage dam proposed on the South Platte near Denver and the operation of upstream dams along a 200-mile stretch known as "Big Bend" in Nebraska.
    25. He became an intregral part of the Democratic scene when he worked for Gary Hart in 1984, and was instrumental in Hart's victory in the Nebraska primary.
    26. Thunderstorms developed rapidly Friday afternoon over the foothills of the central and southern Rockies and in southern Nebraska.
    27. Vice President Richard Paton vows US Ecology is committed to building a state-of-the-art dump in Nebraska on a site that will meet or exceed public health and safety requirements.
    28. Mr. Heider said he purchased the shares because the Nebraska economy is strong compared with the rest of the country.
    29. Entertainer Johnny Carson, who grew up in Nebraska, didn't show up either, but he received special recognition for his "contribution to the art of the tall tale" during the induction ceremony at Eric's Big Table Tavern.
    30. Showers and thunderstorms were expected in Florida, Nebraska and the Dakotas.
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