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 Naturel 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Naturel)人名;(法)纳蒂雷尔

  1. Or, asQuesnay declared in his Le Droit naturel (Natural Law), "Every man has anatural right to the free exercise of his faculties provided he does not employthem to the injury of himself or others.
    或者,就像魁奈在他的《自然秩序》(Le Droit Naturel)一书中所声称的:“每个人都有行使自身能力的自然权利,只要他没有利用自己的能力去伤害本人或他人。
  2. Some of it belongs in the freezer, either in ice creams, frozen yoghurts and sorbets, or au naturel as ingredients for other desserts.
  3. It bring develop chance to Chinnese cotton textile and costume industry after attending WTO the market added demand of naturel colored cotton The market compete will become very intense.

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