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 Nasserite 添加此单词到默认生词本
['nɑ:sәrait, 'næ-]
(埃及前总统)纳赛尔的支持者, 纳赛尔主义者

    1. Two people were wounded in the clash between the leftist Popular Nasserite Organization and the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army militia in the hills to the east of Sidon, provincial capital of south Lebanon, police said.
    2. The spokeman said the Palestinians opened fire and the Nasserite militiamen responded in kind, with each side sending reinforcements.
    3. Also in south Lebanon, Sunni Moslem militiamen of the Nasserite Popular Organization battled with fighters of the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army east of Sidon, the provincial capital.
    4. Two other members of the Popular Nasserite Organizatio were killed later Monday in a battle with the Israeli-backed Southern Lebanese Army.
    5. Clashes also erupted in the southern port of Sidon between the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army and the leftist Nasserite militia.
    6. The leftist Sunni Moslem Nasserite militia, which has stayed neutral in the Amal-PLO conflict, will oversee the new cease-fire.
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