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 Nagoya [nɑ:'gəujɑ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 名古屋市

    [ noun ]
    an industrial city in southern Honshu

    1. Mr Kazufumi Hatanaka was the director of Sumitomo Bank's Nagoya branch. The murder was the latest in a series of attacks on employees of the bank and its related companies.
    2. Kasuga, a member of Parliament, died Tuesday at Nagoya City University Hospital, said a spokesman for the hospital in Nagoya, central Japan.
    3. Kasuga, a member of Parliament, died Tuesday at Nagoya City University Hospital, said a spokesman for the hospital in Nagoya, central Japan.
    4. The new tombstone uses stainless steel poles implanted in the center, and its parts are pressed together with Nagoya's special glue.
    5. But he has now extended the ban to branches and subsidiaries throughout Japan. A Yanase manager in Nagoya, central Japan, said about 8 per cent of employees are exempt, either because they live too far from the office or for health reasons.
    6. Last month, Japan Mobile Communications, also known as IDO, signed a contract with Motorola to supply cellular equipment but only for the corridor between Tokyo and Japan's central city of Nagoya.
    7. American also lost out in its bid to fly between Los Angeles and Nagoya, dimming its Pacific ambitions.
    8. In Japan, where Wright has had a fanatical following since his first visit in 1903, an outdoor museum near Nagoya has reproduced in authentic scale the facade of his earthquake-proof Imperial Hotel.
    9. The high for total net selling at the exchanges in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya is 999.7 billion yen, registered in October.
    10. Separately, JAL said that it and Varig Brazilian Airlines will jointly launch a weekly flight between the Japanese city of Nagoya and the Brazilian cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero.
    11. A member of Konishiki's Takasago stable, or training house, said Friday that the 513-pound Samoan-American intended to participate in the Nagoya summer tournament beginning Sunday.
    12. Mr. Seo's father operated a stall in a food market and later worked for a wholesaler in a fish market in Nagoya, about an hour's drive from Toyota City.
    13. What then? In the private sector, this will be more bad news for Detroit, as well as Smyrna, Marysville and Nagoya.
    14. Both officials agreed in principle to form a single Korean team for the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona and the 41st World Table-tennis Championships in Nagoya, Japan, in 1991, it said.
    15. Installation is under way in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, and a nationwide system is being considered. However, implementation is bogged down in discussions between the various ministries involved.
    16. It expects a commercial system to start in Nagoya on Japan's east coast as soon as 1993, and says it has three other prospective contracts in Japan.
    17. But this is hardly typical of a town in the heart of the Chubu manufacturing region which surrounds Nagoya.
    18. "Japan was poor and had to export its best cars" in the 1960s, says Nobuyasu Suzuki, a dealer near Nagoya who repatriates five or six old Honda S800 convertibles every month from England, Belgium and West Germany.
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