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 NADU 添加此单词到默认生词本
abbr. 海军航空研制单位(naval air development unit)

  1. The wedding actually took place at a Hindu temple in Tamil Nadu state, with the dog bride wearing an orange sari and flowers.
  2. Almost six months ago, the killer waves had destroyed everything in her small fishing community in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu, which had borne the brunt of the disaster in the country.
    她所在的小渔村位于印度南部的塔米尔-那都省,大约在六个月之前,致命的巨浪横扫了这里的一切。 塔米尔-那都省是印度受灾最为严重的地区。
  3. For example, research in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India found that after the cost, the lack of services in the area was the second most significant barrier to using health facilities.

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