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 Mrs   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a form of address for a married woman

    Mrs \Mrs.\
    The customary abbreviation of Mistress or Missess when used
    as a title of courtesy, in writing and printing; as, Mrs.
    Clinton is commonly called by her full name, Hillary Rodham

    1. They were printed while Mrs. Sutcliffe was pursuing a libel case against the magazine for alleging she tried to cash in on her husband's notoriety by agreeing to sell her story to a newspaper.
    2. He has fought this election as if he, rather than Mr Major, had inherited the party leadership after the toppling of Mrs Thatcher.
    3. In Indonesia, Mrs. Quayle will travel from the capital to learn about coping with volcanic eruptions, and in Singapore, she'll find out about cleaning up oil spills.
    4. Wells Rich's entry into the international arena, however, comes as Mrs. Lawrence is pulling herself further out of the day-to-day operations of the agency.
    5. "If I had a bad heart, it would have given me a heart attack," Mrs. Davis said.
    6. Those groups have been largely disillusioned with Mrs. Aquino's failure to institute reforms after the "people power" revolution.
    7. "I guess it's the excitement, it's like a dream car," said Mrs. Miller, 49, who owns two other Corvettes and has had her order in for a ZR-1 since July 24.
    8. And if a constitution won't immediately ease the Philippines's jitters, a show of strength by Mrs. Aquino possibly will.
    9. Mrs. Thatcher declared in her own speech that German unification should not weaken security and said U.S. and British troops and NATO nuclear missiles must remain in a united Germany.
    10. Its videotapes, featuring 60 clients, will go to dating agencies in the U.S., Canada and Australia if Mrs. Lukyanova's grand plans go through.
    11. The dispute between Mrs Patricia Ashmore and other Lloyd's Names and the Corporation of Lloyd's, will be heard by the Court of Appeal in February next year. It has been before the courts since 1988.
    12. They try hard." Mrs. Child and her husband of 41 years, Paul, divide their time between Massachusetts and Montecito, in the Santa Barbara area along the Southern California coast.
    13. Police initially treated Mrs. Masegian as a suspect after uncovering a mysterious telephone message she received at the hotel the day before the killing.
    14. Lacayo is Mrs. Chamorro's son-in-law and her private secretary, and is considered the man who wields most power in the government.
    15. So when party leader Neil Kinnock spoke of the need for realism, he meant recognizing the irrevocable change wrought by nearly 10 years of Mrs. Thatcher's rigorous brand of conservatism.
    16. "I love rock and roll," Mrs. Gore told reporters after her speech. "I grew up on it." A seven-officer Marine Corps jury Friday acquitted Marine Cpl.
    17. In it's editorial, the Daily Mirror said: "The Yorkshire Ripper has claimed his 14th victim _ justice." The Daily Express said the award made "a mockery not only of the libel laws but of the system of justice itself." "Mrs.
    18. Mrs. Carey made several films with Ford, Wayne, her husband and their son, Harry Carey Jr.
    19. If trusts for which they are trustees or income beneficiaries are included, they control roughly 47%, according to company documents and information from Mrs. Fink.
    20. Milstead, who is now divorced, was married at the time of the alleged affair, while Mrs. Johnston was single.
    21. During Bush's long opening remarks and Gorbachev's briefer response, Mrs. Gorbachev stood ramrod straight, clutching a black handbag in her right hand.
    22. Then, with the city outraged over the murder of Mrs. Stuart, blacks said police were out of control, violating their constitutional rights and trying to intimidate them.
    23. "I have personally suggested to Mrs. Hollander that I thought it would be appropriate for the chairman of the board and me to meet with her and her husband and we have had no reponse, despite following up by phone," Mr. Jenkins said.
    24. Critics said the homosexuality measure, known as Clause 28, was a setback for gay rights in Britain and a swing toward authoritanian rule by Mrs. Thatcher and her government.
    25. What Moody's officials were told is that Mrs. Whitmire will resolve an unexpected budget deficit with a recently approved 18.9 percent tax increase.
    26. Authorities contended Savage then sent Sean Doutre, 22, a bouncer at his bar, to kill Mrs. Spearman.
    27. But Mrs. Hull refused to promise and tore up the note on the floor.
    28. Satwant Singh's appeal sought prosecution of two of Mrs. Gandhi's security guards.
    29. "Some people don't understand what they read," said Mrs. Smith, head of the tenant association. "I feel like somebody is ballooning things out of proportion.
    30. "She went to the back door, looked out and wanted to know if that was all of our yard and if that was our garage, which the Secret Service men were all in," Mrs. Watson said.
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