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 Montenegro [,mɒnti'ni:grәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 黑山

    [ noun ]
    a former country bordering on the Adriatic Sea; now part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro

    Montenegro \Mon*te"ne"gro\, n.
    A former country bordering on the Adriatic Sea; now part of
    Yugoslavia [syn: [Montenegro], [Crna Gora]]WordNet 1.7]

    1. Tanjug said the Communist candidate for Montenegro's presidency, Momir Bulatovic, appeared as likely as Milosevic to win outright without being forced into a runoff.
    2. Mr Milorad Unkovic, federal minister for foreign economic relations in the rump Yugoslavia, which comprises Serbia and Montenegro, said there was 'great danger with the approach of winter.
    3. The weekend protests in Montenegro were the latest in almost daily rallies driven by hundreds of thousands of Serbs pressing for more control over Serbia's autonomous province of Kosovo.
    4. The largest state of Serbia and its neighbor Montenegro will be the last of the six republics to hold local elections.
    5. "We were on the threshold of emergency measures after the recent events in Novi Sad and Titograd," Kucan said, referring to the Vojvodina and Montenegro capitals where the disturbances took place.
    6. He called the ban harsh, one-sided and unjust. The rump state of Yugoslavia consists of Serbia and Montenegro. There have been allegations of vessels flying the Greek and Maltese flags violating the UN embargo.
    7. Communist-ruled Montenegro and Serbia have not legalized opposition parties.
    8. Its only roads not blocked by war are those leading through Serbia and Montenegro, which comprise what remains of Yugoslavia. Western diplomats believe the sanctions will devastate Serb-held territory, already impoverished after a year of war.
    9. Some of the biggest rallies have occurred in the southern republic of Montenegro.
    10. Mr Klaus Kinkel, German foreign minister, said he welcomed a decision by the five members of the international contact group on Bosnia to ask the UN Security Council to discuss easing sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro.
    11. It said they crossed into Montenegro, a Yugoslav republic.
    12. When demonstrators tried to do the same thing in the southern republic of Montenegro on Friday night, club-wielding police waded in to break up the crowd.
    13. The EC's legal view has long been that Serbia and Montenegro should be denied the status of sole successor to the old Yugoslavia. But Mr Hurd said yesterday it was the first time this view had been formally endorsed by ministers.
    14. Unrest persisted Monday in Titograd, the capital of Montenegro 280 miles southwest of Belgrade, and the regional party leadership held an emergency meeting, the official news agency Tanjug reported.
    15. Franc Horvat, also from Slovenia, replaced Miodrag Mirovic, from Montenegro, as new minister of tourism.
    16. In the southern republic of Montenegro, reporter Milovan Brkic was assaulted Monday in the police headquarters in the capital Titograd by Ratko Micunovic, a department head of the state security police, Tanjug said.
    17. Authorities in Yugoslavia banned street rallies in the southern republic of Montenegro, and the police chief of that region resigned amid criticism of police, who used force to break up recent anti-government protests.
    18. The German parliament is being recalled from recess today to debate last week's decision by the centre-right coalition to send a destroyer and three reconnaissance aircraft to join allied warships monitoring the UN trade embargo of Serbia and Montenegro.
    19. Multiparty elections are scheduled in the republics of Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro, and federal authorities say elections will be held next fall for the national parliament.
    20. Communists in Montenegro won 83 of the 125 seats in the republic's legislature in the Dec. 9 first round and their leader was widely expected to emerge victorious in Sunday's polling.
    21. Zarkovic, a close associate of Tito, resigned in response to demands made during huge demonstrations last month in his home republic of Montenegro that led to replacement of the Montenegrin leadership.
    22. Montenegro, Yugoslavia's smallest republic and one of its poorest, has been particularly hard hit by the country's economic problems and a decline in living standards.
    23. But there's also a new, younger audience for serious plays, just as there was during the second world war.' Few new films reach cinemas in Serbia and Montenegro.
    24. Serbia, the country's largest republic, and Montenegro, the smallest, are the only two of Yugoslavia's six states to elect Communist governments.
    25. An estimated 30,000 people rallied Sunday in the Yugoslav republic of Montenegro to protest inflation and growing poverty.
    26. In a related development Tuesday, the assembly of the southern republic of Montenegro also adopted amendments to its constitution introducing political pluralism, Tanjug said.
    27. In traditionally pro-Communist Montenegro, the country's smallest republic, the vote is being contested by the ruling Communists and 10 other parties, including some who seek union with neighboring Serbia.
    28. PRESIDENT Boris Yeltsin's special envoy to the former Yugoslavia warned yesterday that tighter sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro would be counter-productive. A draft resolution on sanctions is due to be debated by the UN security council on Monday.
    29. Police used tear gas in another town in Montenegro, and authorities clearly feared the unrest was getting out of hand.
    30. Ethnic tensions in Kosovo have prompted demonstrations throughout Serbia and Montenegro calling for more Serbian control of the southern province, Yugoslavia's poorest.
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