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 Mississauga   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Northern, based in Mississauga, Ontario, needs new ammunition in its battle to sell phone companies traffic-cop computers, known as digital switches.
    2. The Mississauga, Ontario-based chemical and energy concern has 16.1 million shares outstanding, of which 73% are owned by Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del.
    3. Mrs. Hillier, a lawyer from Mississauga, Ontario, told the court she was given the shares in 1972 by her father, Leslie R. Curtis.
    4. It has recently made a Pounds 12.9m provision against land at Mississauga in Canada. Hammerson's international spread of businesses has also served it badly.
    5. Bridgestone (Canada), in Mississauga, Ont., will also report to the new headquarters.
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