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 Michael ['maikl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 迈克尔(男子名)

  1. Michael takes charge of all the arrangements for the Christmas party.
  2. It has been announced that Michael Jackson visit this city in May.

[ noun ]
(Old Testament) the guardian archangel of the Jews

  1. Separately, a three-judge federal appeals panel temporarily blocked another independent counsel from asking a grand jury to indict former White House aide Michael Deaver on perjury charges.
  2. William John Paterson, 22; Sgt. Michael James Winkler, 31; Signaller Mark Robert Clavey, 24, and Lance Cpl.
  3. There was Michael Kirwan, a great appropriator who pushed for an aquarium in Washington because fish struck him as quiet and peaceful, a good influence in the capital.
  4. But Michael J. Faust, foreign exchange analyst at MMS International, said although the rumors were widespread, concern about the German central bank or the Fed intervening to buy dollars was misplaced.
  5. Republican George Bush said today he is unperturbed by polls that give likely Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis a double-digit lead, adding that "I like fighting back."
  6. Worst hit, said shadow social security secretary Michael Meacher, were those not eligible for the full Pounds 140 poll tax deduction because they already received rebates.
  7. State GOP Chairman Michael Vallante came out with the Republican T-shirt on Monday, but he says he had the idea all along but just got sidetracked about getting the shirts made up.
  8. The index "is rising very modestly," said Michael Penzer, senior economist at Bank of America in San Francisco.
  9. She said the body of the child, identified as Michael Mills, was recovered from a depth of about 200 feet.
  10. Inventory rebuilding, capital spending, and stable consumer demand will continue to keep the economy growing, says Michael Sherman, chief investment strategist at Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc.
  11. "To me, there's a little irony that a favorite prehistoric campsite has become one of our biggest campgrounds today," said Michael Beckes, regional archaeologist for the U.S. Forest Service's eastern district.
  12. Michael Williams, formerly md Europe for Barclays Global Services, has been appointed general manager in charge of the banking division of NOMURA Bank International.
  13. Michael Andrews, D-Texas, and Robert Mrazek, D-N.Y., now moves to the House floor after passing the committee by a 27-11 vote.
  14. He referred to a concert Michael gave in Toronto in 1991, which the singer described as one of the low points in his relationship with Sony. Two senior Sony executives arrived at the concert by private jet.
  15. "This is a small but crucial step to treating a whole array of genetic diseases," said Dr. R. Michael Blaese, another cancer institute researcher on the project.
  16. Michael Binkow, a spokesman for Fox, confirmed Diller's offer. Katzenberg's proposal was reported in Tuesday's editions of The New York Times.
  17. The Democrats focused on New York and its April 19 turning-point primary with 255 delegates, with Michael Dukakis and Albert Gore Jr. both waging war on drugs.
  18. Indeed, the band had learned all the songs on Michael Jackson's "Bad" album, a special favorite of the Princess of Wales, but decided hits like "Dirty Diana" weren't quite right for the occasion.
  19. The only faster knockouts in heavyweight title history were Jim Jeffries' 55-second victory over Jack Finnegin in 1900, Michael Dokes' 1:03 win over Mike Weaver in 1982 and Tommy Burns' 1:28 defeat of Jem Roche in 1908.
  20. Dr Michael Merson, head of the WHO Aids programme, said yesterday the meeting would complement the 'top priority' US efforts to solve the mystery.
  21. The 18 manuscripts include religious works by Mozart and Michael Haydn transcribed by monks in the 18th century and s- an evening mass - and liturgical works by lesser-known composers, Roberts said.
  22. It is then for the business world to judge whether the cost will match the benefit. Michael Fowle is senior UK audit partner at KPMG Peat Marwick.
  23. Bush's top economic adviser, Michael Boskin, trounced proposals that would have required automakers to increase the fuel efficiency of their cars and ordered greater use of nongasoline fuels, said some officials who were present.
  24. Country-western's Michael Martin Murphy wrote a song in his honor.
  25. Michael H., a neighbor with whom Carol D. had an affair, sued in state court in 1982, seeking to have himself declared Victoria's father.
  26. Federal Judge Milton Pollack was authorized to decide how to distribute the $1.3 billion Michael Milken and others are to pay to settle lawsuits.
  27. Freshness abounds. Michael Bognadov's direction works by an accumulation of small touches.
  28. Burroughs made a hostile acquisition of Sperry, according to Burroughs Chairman W. Michael Blumenthal, because it believed a combination would create a much stronger competitor to industry giant International Business Machines Corp.
  29. The claimants will get $5,000 to $75,000 each, said Michael Gordon, an attorney for the plaintiffs.
  30. It was nothing personal, Mr Michael Heseltine, then environment secretary, explained.
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