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 Merton ['mə:tn]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. United States religious and writer (1915-1968)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. United States sociologist (1910-2003)

    4. <noun.person>

    1. Merton Bernstein, a law professor at Washington University in St. Louis, said employment has been shrinking in areas such as manufacturing that traditionally have had high rates of pension coverage.
    2. He will join the company full-time in January. Aitken-Davies, a former councillor in the London Borough of Merton, devotes some of his free time to acting as an external examiner in business studies at Luton University.
    3. The links here are all-pervasive and date back more than a century. Professor Merton Flemings, head of the department of materials science and engineering, chairs a task force on links between MIT and industry.
    4. Merton J. Peck, a Yale economics professor, has served as acting dean since then.
    5. But Merton Miller, a finance professor at the University of Chicago, argued that the NYSE's move "flies in the face of the Brady report, which said the trouble came when the linkages between markets broke down."
    6. Green provided jobs, paid taxes on a multimillion-dollar business and put the town on the map with "a good grade of magazines," Selectman Merton Dyer said.
    7. As Merton Miller warned in his 1990 Nobel acceptance lecture, the "anti-leverage hysteria" that promotes regulatory attacks on the capital markets can over-ride the self-correcting mechanisms in the market.
    8. But parents at Patten's old school - Wimbledon College, a Catholic boys' school in London - have voted against parting company with the Labour- controlled borough of Merton.
    9. Both Merton and Keble Colleges approached her before the summer, but Exeter came up with a definite offer while the other two were on collective vacation.
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