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 Merlin ['mɜ:lin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 穴鸟准

    [ noun ]
    1. (Arthurian legend) the magician who acted as King Arthur's advisor

    2. <noun.person>
    3. small falcon of Europe and America having dark plumage with black-barred tail; used in falconry

    4. <noun.animal>

    Merlin \Mer"lin\, n. [OE. merlion, F. ['e]merillon; cf. OHG.
    smirl, G. schmerl; prob. fr. L. merula blackbird. Cf.
    {Merle}.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A small European falcon ({Falco columbarius}, syn. {Falco
    lithofalco}, or {Falco [ae]salon}). In North America called
    also {pigeon hawk}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. Mr. Nelson told Merlin about some dog bones he had found.
    2. The new Merlin, which essentially replaces the existing Merlin line, has more features such as tracking length and duration of calls by phone, than the Spirit system, AT&T said.
    3. The new Merlin, which essentially replaces the existing Merlin line, has more features such as tracking length and duration of calls by phone, than the Spirit system, AT&T said.
    4. "People chop them up, bones and all, into hamburger patties," laments Merlin D. Tuttle, founder of Bat Conservation International.
    5. Wolverhampton City Challenge provided Pounds 100,000 to refurbish an existing factory of Federal Electric, a Merlin subsidiary, next door to the proposed Ajax plant. This safeguards 84 jobs.
    6. Merlin selects companies whose products and manufacturing processes are not causing excessive harm to the environment.
    7. Mr. Merlin previously was managing director in corporate finance.
    8. From the sublime to the ridiculous to the crazy: Joining Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen in the announcer's booth at NBC's Thanksgiving Day game between the Detroit Lions and the Kansas City Chiefs was Dr. Eric Margenau, a psychologist.
    9. "France hasn't much room to maneuver," says Albert Merlin, chief economist at Cie. de Saint-Gobain S.A. "Most things are decided by Germany.
    10. The Coast Guard is satisfied that the Mega Borg's owner, Mosvolds Shipping of Farsund, Norway, is acting responsibly and professionally, Merlin said.
    11. Its shares moved ahead 10p to 60p on Friday. Jupiter Tarbutt Merlin recently joined the stock market via the reverse takeover of Vantage, an investment trust.
    12. GEC Ferranti of Edinburgh has announced it has won a 'multi-million pound' contract to produce radar equipment for the Royal Navy's new EH101 Merlin helicopter.
    13. Williams Merlin said private salvage and containment companies responding to the fire had equipment stationed elsewhere because there are more offshore fires in the North Sea and the Middle East than in the gulf.
    14. Its bids for the Merlin helicopter, the Asraam missile and the initial phase of the command system for the future Anglo-French frigate all failed. Mr Fletcher is pulling his subsidiaries together.
    15. Sportscasters Merlin Olsen and Dick Enberg and 11 other investors sued Wood in January, claiming he siphoned $9 million in profits they should have received from an Ann Arbor, Mich., commercial real estate venture.
    16. Last month, on a crisp, cloudy day, he drove 60 miles north to visit a practicing wizard who calls himself Merlin the Enchanter.
    17. Cyndi Lauper, who won in 1985, recorded as lead vocalist with a group called Blue Angel before her "She's So Unusual" LP. And Freddie Jackson, who was nominated in that category in 1986, had been a part of a recording group called Mystic Merlin.
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