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 Mercedes ['mə:sidi:z]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 梅赛德斯

  1. I was pleased to be able to buy a new Ford but my neighbour had to go one better and get a Mercedes.
  2. I am amazed to see a beggar step into a shiny Mercedes.

  1. At Las Mercedes Airport east of the city, Somoza supporters and their families tried desperately to get on departing flights.
  2. Rathbone watched the fleet of Mercedes drawing up outside Central.
  3. Mercedes Reyes, the plantation superintendent, said the Haitians might be thieves or drug runners and would be turned over to the police.
  4. Besides heading the drug ring, the case involved more than one kilogram of crack, a firearm was found, and Staley tried to bribe a witness not to testify by offering $10,000 or a Mercedes Benz.
  5. "They're always looking at Mercedes, but most of them can't afford to go for that much luxury," he says.
  6. A spokesman for the traffic-safety agency said it had received complaints of 37 instances of sudden acceleration in the 1986-1987 Mercedes 300E cars, including reports of two injuries.
  7. It is nice to feel really wanted, in a state so desperate for a big project that you will be treated like royalty - as befits the Mercedes image.
  8. Chatter, gossip and exchanges of notes between local authorities and London ministries indicated that this was the way Mercedes was thinking.
  9. But Mercedes and Porsche have worked together before, giving Mercedes a foot in the door.
  10. But Mercedes and Porsche have worked together before, giving Mercedes a foot in the door.
  11. "We are confident this particular segment of the market provides prospects for future growth," Mr. Krampe said at the Mercedes 1989-model preview before reporters here.
  12. "I've never had so many problems with anything in my life as I did with that car," says salesman Rolf Hansbuer of Muelheim of the model 230E Mercedes he purchased in 1985.
  13. It's tough work, waiting outside for hours in rain, snow and numbing winds, only to be stiffed by an abusive drunk whose Mercedes wasn't purring at the front door the moment he staggers out.
  14. Some of the competition Mercedes will face in 1990 will come from Japan.
  15. As the FT has since learnt, the Arras town hall spokesman was right that his area was in the running until the last minute. The northern French town had been top of the Mercedes reserve list.
  16. When the ship docked in Tallin, Soviet authorities, tipped by the Swedes, wouldn't allow the Mercedes to debark.
  17. "If you have a Mercedes, do you take it to the mechanic at a local Texaco station for repair?" he asks.
  18. Mercedes Morris, a spokeswoman for U.S. Southern Command Headquarters in Panama, said the soldiers had simply driven off Clayton Air Base by accident.
  19. A five-year-old Mercedes 260 will have a wholesale value of at least $16,000, thus totally negating the indicated cost savings of $16,000 with the lease.
  20. The psychological barrier against buying a 'Japanese' car is the only thing likely to prevent them from making a substantial impact in the fleet market. In the executive sector, the Mercedes 190 is still widely regarded as the benchmark car.
  21. Cadillac and Lincoln finished second and third behind Mercedes in luxury, and Ford and Chevrolet came in third and fourth behind Honda and Toyota in practicality.
  22. Mercedes noted that it is still the top-selling foreign car label in Japan.
  23. Ms. Feldkircher's biggest modification was to put an old Mercedes instrument gauge above her terminal.
  24. Police said the other car bomb exploded at 1:30 a.m. in an olive green Mercedes near a Syrian checkpoint in the village of Saadnayel, 24 miles east of Beirut in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley.
  25. Yet when McCaffrey responded to press calls about the Mercedes shift, it never mentioned that a new chief executive had assumed control.
  26. Then there's a new Mercedes commercial that boasts that the cars retain a higher percentage of their original value than any other make sold in America.
  27. Five years ago Thursday, when a maid jostled Wilmot awake and summoned her to a window to see it, she thought the rusting, aging Mercedes I "an apparition," then realized otherwise.
  28. It is a limited edition assembled by Porsche and only available with left hand steering. There is little to show it is not a normal Mercedes 300 except for slightly lowered suspension and bulging wheel arches to accommodate fat, ultra low profile tyres.
  29. The prevailing standard is set not in terms of living up to sound values, but in BMWs or Mercedes, career advancement, lines of credit."
  30. Within 10 years the industry will have developed a new streamlined shape - not so much a Mercedes family sedan, more a sleek and sporty Audi.
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