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 Matamoros   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a city in northeastern Mexico opposite Brownsville near the mouth of the Rio Grande

    1. In an earlier drug-cult case, police in April 1989 found 15 bodies buried on a ranch near the northern city of Matamoros across the U.S.-Mexico border from Brownsville, Texas.
    2. "He killed one of them because he used cocaine," said Juan Benitez Ayala, head of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police in Matamoros.
    3. He was not charged in connection with the murders in Matamoros or Mexico City or with other crimes alleged against the sect. Authorities would not say if he will remain on the police force until his case is resolved.
    4. The storm came ashore again Friday afternoon along a sparsely populated stretch of the Gulf of Mexico coast south of Matamoros.
    5. Four men in custody in Matamoros will be charged formally under Mexican law Monday, said Jose Piedad Silva Arroyo, Mexico's federal supervisor for narcotics investigations in Matamoros.
    6. Four men in custody in Matamoros will be charged formally under Mexican law Monday, said Jose Piedad Silva Arroyo, Mexico's federal supervisor for narcotics investigations in Matamoros.
    7. Pichardo said Santeria's history of practice in the home hurts his effort to bring the religion into the open, and may have contributed to the mistaken link of Santeria to the Matamoros mass killings this spring.
    8. Agapito Gonzalez Cavazos, who has led the Confederation of Mexican Workers in Matamoros for the past 40 years, said rank-and-file were disappointed in the compromise, which was reached in Mexico City without his participation.
    9. Matamoros said on Monday that Contra political and military representatives met on Sunday at a camp ner the Honduran-Nicaraguan border to try to resolve the disputes among the Contras.
    10. So far, the only victim to be identified was Mark Kilroy, a 21-year-old University of Texas pre-medical student who was kidnapped on the streets of Matamoros last month during spring break.
    11. The leader of a drug trafficking gang accused of ritually killing 12 people near Matamoros, Mexico, grew up in a Cuban-American family that practiced Santeria animal sacrifices, authorities believe.
    12. To many in Matamoros, a city of nearly 500,000, the slayings were a perversion of the traditional image of the Mexican smuggler who helped the town, sent his kids to the best schools and was often a heavy contributor to charity and civic causes.
    13. The Oklahomans were kept at the Matamoros jail until Friday afternoon because Mexican officials feared they would leave the country without telling a court reporter what had happened.
    14. The judge's ruling clears the way for Ms. Aldrete to be transferred from a federal prison in Mexico City to a state prison in Matamoros, Moyar said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.
    15. Despite the cease-fire, Radio Liberation, an underground rebel station, quoted Contra spokesman Bosco Matamoros on Monday as saying that Sandinista troops had been firing on rebels.
    16. Matamoros, only 25 feet above sea level and 12 miles from shore, lacks natural wind breaks such as hills or high buildings. Authorities said their main worry was flooding, which already affected some streets.
    17. "We discussed some substantial issues," rebel spokesman Bosco Matamoros said at the end of the day-long talks.
    18. The search for Mark Kilroy of Santa Fe, Texas, who disappeared while on spring break in Matamoros, across the border from Brownsville, led to discovery of the bodies at the Santa Elena Ranch.
    19. Pasadena officials said the recent drug- and cult-related slayings of 15 people in Matamoros, Mexico, reinforced their doubts about the symbol.
    20. However, a spokeswoman for the federal judicial police in Matamoros said the two men were farmhands who had been missing since last May.
    21. In Matamoros just across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, the storm felled trees, downed power lines and flattened dozens of tin shack homes on the evacuated beachfront.
    22. In almost every border town, from Matamoros to Tijuana on the California border almost 2,000 miles to the west, their true calling seems known to all.
    23. Zenith already has major manufacturing operations in Matamoros, Reynosa and Juarez, Mexico.
    24. Even her parents in Matamoros knew nothing of the activities of their daughter, who was president of the TSC soccer Booster Club and won the school's Outstanding Physical Education Award last year.
    25. Earlier, rebel spokesman Bosco Matamoros disagreed strongly when he was informed that an American member of the Sandinista delegation, Paul Reichler, had given an upbeat account of the discussions.
    26. On Tuesday, Matamoros said the Opposition Union's politicial council was reviewing the votes because there was a dispute over the way a fifth party marked its ballot.
    27. The pall cast by the discovery of the gruesome human sacrifices remained most evident at the funeral homes in Matamoros.
    28. Matamoros said the Contras seek military aid and not refuge.
    29. Matamoros said the soldiers were deported becaus they were publicly discussing rebel issues, a sensitive point for the Hondurans, who for years have barely acknowledged the existence of the base camps.
    30. Matamoros said he was briefly detained along the road to the camp Sunday by some of Hernandez Membreno's men, who he said number about 200.
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