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 Manx [mæŋks]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 马恩岛的, 马恩岛人的

n. 马恩岛人, 马恩语, 马恩岛猫

    [ noun ]
    1. the ancient Gaelic formerly spoken on the Isle of Man; the language is sometimes used on ceremonial occasions

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a short-haired tailless breed of cat believed to originate on the Isle of Man

    4. <noun.animal>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to the Isle of Man or its inhabitants or their language

    2. <adj.pert>
      the Manx fishing industry
      there are few Manx speakers alive today

    Manx \Manx\, prop. n.
    The language of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man, a dialect
    of the Celtic.

    Manx \Manx\, a.
    Of or pertaining to the Isle of Man, or its inhabitants; as,
    the Manx language.

    {Manx shearwater} .

    1. But the Manx authorities do closely examine the quality and reputation of any company wishing to set up.
    2. Under a previous arrangement between the UK and Manx Tax authorities, double taxation relief was dealt with by the Manx Assessor of Income Tax under an Extra Statutory Arrangement.
    3. Under a previous arrangement between the UK and Manx Tax authorities, double taxation relief was dealt with by the Manx Assessor of Income Tax under an Extra Statutory Arrangement.
    4. The Chadwick report is also expected to criticise the officials. Publication is expected on Tuesday after deletions ordered yesterday by Deemster John Corrin, the Manx High Court's senior judge.
    5. Mr O'Brien holds 29.9 per cent of Manx. The agreement was never made public.
    6. The Manx government expects to place draft legislation before parliament by the end of the year.
    7. Manx Airlines said the year-old Belfast City to Heathrow service would cease from September 4 because passenger numbers had not met expectations.
    8. Manx, which was spawned by Cluff Resources and operates from Cluff's offices, claims a 5 per cent interest in a gas licence in the Netherlands as its main asset.
    9. He feels the island has become better known by people outside, and that the firm has gained more recognition in the Isle of Man. Touche Ross set up its Manx office in 1987 with 11 people.
    10. Mrs Frances Harper, a Douglas resident who lost Pounds 20,000, said yesterday: 'This absolutely stinks. 'If we had been able to have this report when we sued the Manx government, we might not have lost our case at the Privy Council.
    11. John O'Brien, managing director of Manx Petroleum - which put Alliance into receivership - is chairman of Alliance.
    12. Mr John Corrin, the Manx agricultural minister, said: 'There has not been intensive farming in the island, and stock levels have not increased much over the years.
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