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 Manama [mæ'næmə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 麦纳麦

    [ noun ]
    the capital of Bahrain; located at the northern end of Bahrain Island

    1. George B. Crist told reporters in Manama on June 1 the cruiser's air defense radar could cover the entire gulf and called it a "quantum leap forward" in detering a new Iranian anti-ship missile site nearing completion in the strait.
    2. Their daily travels between a Manama hotel and two U.S. warships anchored off Bahrain are quick and discreet.
    3. Conductor Richard Chalkley told the adult choir at the dress rehearsal for the Manama Singers annual Christmas concert they should try to look more upbeat.
    4. A team of Bahrain central bankers and finance ministry officials will next week visit South Africa, taking what was described in Manama as a 'major step' towards developing trade and investment ties, Mark Nicholson writes from Cairo.
    5. Despite the low-key beginning, businessmen believe it won't be long before the small chamber at the end of Manama's main banking street flourishes into a bustling bourse in a region that sits on one-third of the world's oil reserves.
    6. Mr. Hussein, a taxi driver, is among a crowd of Bahrainis who have come one recent day to shop at the vast, teeming fish market in Manama, the nation's capital.
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