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 Magellan [mə'gelən, -'dʒelən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
,Strait of 麦哲伦海峡(在南美洲大陆南端和火地岛等岛屿之间,沟通太平洋和大西洋)

  1. Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.
  2. Magellan is trying to find a passage to the Indian ocean.

[ noun ]
Portuguese navigator in the service of Spain; he commanded an expedition that was the first to circumnavigate the world (1480-1521)

  1. The liftoff opportunity, dictated by Magellan's path to Venus and lighting conditions at emergency landing sites, lasts only 23 minutes, one of the shortest launch windows in shuttle history.
  2. An identification system that was originally devised for sheep-tagging is being tested in airport baggage handling systems. Magellan Technology, an Australian company, has developed a radio frequency-based device that recognises encoded tags.
  3. Hence its name. Magellan splits the screen into two.
  4. NASA had to launch Magellan by May 28 or ground it for two years until Earth and Venus were again in the proper alignment.
  5. Magellan's mission is to map up to 90 percent of Venus' surface using radar to peer through the planet's thick clouds, which prevent the use of optical cameras.
  6. But for 99 percent of Magellan's 948-million-mile trip to Venus, it cruised without power.
  7. Magellan's lead in the 10-year rankings shrank sharply in 1990.
  8. NASA's official position is that Magellan's formal mapping mission won't begin until late this month.
  9. The launch of the shuttle and its $550 million Magellan Venus probe was scrubbed on Friday 31 seconds before liftoff because of a power surge on a pump that recirculates liquid hydrogen fuel for one of the shuttle's three main engines.
  10. One of the Magellan spacecraft's backup computers rejected commands when a memory chip failed, but the glitch won't hurt the $744 million exploration of Venus, engineers say.
  11. Space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to make the next shuttle flight, with launch set for April 28. Its crew will dispatch the Magellan payload to orbit the planet Venus.
  12. On Thursday, the shuttle must be launched by 2:52 p.m., the end of a 64-minute "launch window," in order to have Magellan in the right position for a flight to Venus.
  13. A decade ago, Peter Lynch's anointed successor at Magellan, 32-year-old Morris Smith, had only just graduated from college and still had two years of business school ahead of him.
  14. Magellan's radar penetrates the clouds to make pictures 10 times more detailed than those produced by Earth-based radar or radar on the Soviet Venera 15 and 16 spacecraft, which visited Venus in the mid-1980s.
  15. Atlantis' mission ended Monday when the 97-ton shuttle landed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. after deploying Magellan, the nation's first planetary probe in 11 years and the first ever to ride a shuttle into space.
  16. During their four-day flight, Atlantis' five astronauts are to release the $378 million Magellan spacecraft from the cargo bay, starting it on a 468-day outward journey to Venus.
  17. Controllers began sending commands to Magellan early Saturday to awaken it from a so-called deep-safe mode and put it in a state called random access memory control.
  18. Mapping was halted for most of the day until the new commands made Magellan point its antenna properly.
  19. The company braced for a flood of investors to redeem their Magellan shares, but it turned out to be "a fairly meaningless number," says George A. Vanderheiden, a Fidelity vice president who will oversee Mr. Smith.
  20. The workload was limited because the Magellan probe and its rocket booster, which together weighed 45,000 pounds, did not allow for many experiments to be carried aboard.
  21. Magellan will be the first planetary probe launched from a shuttle as well as the first U.S. planetary mission since two Pioneer spacecraft were dispatched in 1978 to study Venus' atmosphere.
  22. Earlier, Walker had reported Atlantis was performing flawlessly and that the Magellan spacecraft, a robot probe the crew launched on a flight to Venus, was operating without a hitch.
  23. A beleaguered NASA has spent the summer also contending with Hubble's defective mirror and communications problems with the Venus-orbiting Magellan spacecraft.
  24. Magellan's fleet continued its voyage, with Juan Sebastian Elcano in command, but one ship after another was lost until only the Victoria was left.
  25. The $413 million Magellan, centerpiece of a $744 million mission, was released from the shuttle Atlantis in May 1989, then launched by a booster rocket.
  26. During fund manager Peter Lynch's 10year tenure, Magellan has had eight previous periods of decline in net asset value, ranging in length from six weeks to 27 weeks, Fidelity notes.
  27. Just as they did last weekend, engineers also ordered Magellan to unload its computer memory banks Wednesday night.
  28. Fidelity's Magellan also has big holdings in smaller financial-services stocks.
  29. "Magellan is deployed," reported shuttle commander David Walker.
  30. Magellan's $744 million mission is designed to produce the most detailed pictures yet of Venus' surface, totally concealed by clouds, as well as a global map of the planet.
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