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 Lusaka [lu:'sɑ:kə]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the capital and largest city of Zambia

    1. Flooding caused by torrential rain has left 20,000 people homeless in Zambia's capital, Lusaka, a ruling party official said today.
    2. Masheke, who visited the camp Wednesday, told reporters in Lusaka, the Zambian capital, that the rioters destroyed makeshift homes they had built themselves when they first arrived.
    3. The congress, based in Lusaka, Zambia, is the main black group fighting to overthrow the government of South Africa and end apartheid.
    4. The ANC, based in Lusaka, Zambia, wages a bombing and sabotage campaign trying to overthrow South Africa's government.
    5. In Lusaka, the two sides agreed that once progress has been made in political discussions, ANC guerrillas should be permitted to return to South Africa and integrated into the existing army or demobilized.
    6. Thabo Mbeki, one of Mr. Mbeki's sons, is a member of the ANC's executive committee in Lusaka.
    7. The attack, if confirmed, would bring the death toll since Monday to 32. Doctors in Lusaka today said at least 20 people died and 190 were wounded in three days of riots.
    8. The five leaders, based at ANC headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia, would assist ANC leader Nelson Mandela in preparing for talks in Cape Town on clearing the way for full-scale negotiations on sharing power with the black majority, the report said.
    9. Today, paramilitary police and troops patrolled the streets of Lusaka, the capital, and other cities and towns of this southern African country of 7.5 million.
    10. The ANC has its external headquarters in Lusaka.
    11. Buthelezi returned from a visit to Lusaka, Zambia, on Sunday and said that nation's president, Kenneth Kaunda, had offered to act as a mediator between the factions.
    12. The group, based in Lusaka, Zambia, is banned in South Africa.
    13. Kaunda pleaded innocent during earlier hearings and said he opened fire in self-defense when a mob hurled stones at his car in Lusaka.
    14. An IMF team will visit Lusaka next month to start negotiations for an Extended Structural Adjustment Facility (Esaf) signalling the successful completion of the Rap.
    15. The ANC, based in Lusaka, Zambia, seldom confirms or denies involvement in specific attacks but acknowledges using bombs in its campaign against the government.
    16. In Lusaka, Zambia, SWAPO President Sam Nujoma said South African-controlled Namibian troops killed 27 civilians near Oshakati in northern Namibia.
    17. The sick economy, deficient schools and ill-equipped hospitals are the main complaints on the jacaranda-tree-lined streets of Lusaka, the capital, as well as on the red-dirt roads of the rural villages where sick babies go untreated.
    18. Sport Aid said Zambia's President Kenneth Kuanda will start the race in the capital city of Lusaka.
    19. Its roots are very deep," says Reginald September, a member of the ANC's National Executive Committee in Lusaka.
    20. Lusaka has been the headquarters of the ANC since the anti-apartheid group was outlawed 30 years ago.
    21. Mandela, who was released from jail Feb. 11 after 27 years in jail, plans to visit Lusaka, probably next week, for talks with the ANC's exiled leaders.
    22. Mandela said he acted on instructions from exiled ANC leaders in Lusaka, Zambia, when he called de Klerk on Friday to tell him of the postponement.
    23. ANC leaders flew in from their headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia, to join veteran members recently released from South African prisons who were in Sweden to visit ailing ANC President Oliver Tambo.
    24. Lusaka is going to seed as Zambia's economy crumbles; the ANC suffers as Zambia does.
    25. The pro-democracy movement, which has received powerful church backing, is due to hold its first public rally on Saturday in Kabwe, 125 miles north of Lusaka.
    26. You cannot force people into buying what they are not interested in. Meanwhile we have launched the Lusaka stock exchange, which helps the process.
    27. The African American Institute, meeting in Lusaka, sought a greater understanding of African problems in the United States, according to Randolph Nugent, the chairman of the institute's board of trustees.
    28. Paramilitary forces and police officers occupied central Lusaka in an attempt to curb looting and to seal off main routes to the city.
    29. Mr Anderson Mazoka, Anglo American's managing director in Lusaka, believes the company would be better managed as a single unit under one group of shareholders.
    30. Luchembe was being held at Chamba Valley high security prison outside Lusaka, government sources said.
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