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 lurching 添加此单词到默认生词本
东倒西歪地行驶, 不稳行驶

    Lurch \Lurch\ (l[^u]rch), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Lurched}
    (l[^u]rcht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lurching}.]
    To roll or sway suddenly to one side, as a ship or a drunken
    man; to move forward while lurching.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. Moments later, he began lurching back and forth in a unique twist-style dance step.
    2. With the Clinton administration lurching towards bureaucratically managed trade with Japan, should not the institute be emphasising the classic arguments for multilateral, rule-based trade? Bergsten is obviously sensitive to such arguments.
    3. Hampson's baritone is attractive and sounds easily produced. Miss Troyanos' mezzo-soprano is confident and she displayed a comic touch, getting laughs where some mezzos don't but maybe going too far in lurching around the stage with a butterfly net.
    4. For the next several minutes, they were jolted up and down, backward and forward, and finally brought to a lurching halt.
    5. The trust inherited debts of Pounds 6.8m and Mr Griffiths told staff the first priority was to get into good financial shape. It was 'destructive of morale and standards' to be lurching from one crisis to another.
    6. Instead of lurching from one nasty little trade battle with Japan to another, it may be time for the U.S. to try to strike a broad new trade or economic agreement with Tokyo, and possibly with Asia's other rising trade powers.
    7. They merged their economies on July 1. It has been East Germany's crumbling economy, lurching from communism to capitalism, that has spurred the push for early unification.
    8. The craft is rising, then lurching forward into a 4 1/2-minute trip through the galaxy, pitching and yawing to avoid the meteorites and laser cannon blasts that are visible through the windows.
    9. This 127-foot ocean vessel, one of 14 being run on routes unused by ferries for decades, met blustery winds, giant swells that crashed across the bow and waves that sent it constantly lurching from side to side.
    10. He predicted that yields on actively traded 30-year government bonds, now about 9 1/2%, could ease temporarily to as low as 9% before lurching back to 10% later this year.
    11. For more than 10 years, General Motors Corp.'s sprawling assembly plant here has been lurching and stalling like an old duster.
    12. While Mrs. Thatcher was running the most conservative government her country has seen in this century, Britain's Labor Party spent much of her first two terms lurching leftward.
    13. Yes, Rod Steiger and Mariette Hartley _ together at last! Steiger and Hartley are actually not bad as Oakes and his wife, saddled as they are with a lurching script that provides ample opportunity for great fits of overacting.
    14. Traders said the stock market's lurching moves have prompted many investors to head for the sidelines until it regains some semblance of stability.
    15. Bobbo leaves her literally in the lurch, since lurching is Ruth's main mode of locomotion when the story begins.
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