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 Luckett 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Luckett)人名;(英)勒基特

  1. That system has not produced a quake of similar magnitude since 1751, says Richard Luckett, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey, which is headquartered near Nottingham, UK.
    总部设在联合王国诺丁汉的英国地质勘探局的一位地震专家Richard Luckett说,从1751年以来,这个体系从来没有发生过类似强度的地面震动。
  2. In March 2000, as the group prepared to shoot a video for its hit" Say My Name, " Columbia Records announced that Roberson and Luckett had left the group.
    年 3 月,正逢乐队准备为其主打歌《说我的名字》拍摄录像带之际,哥伦比亚唱片公司宣布罗伯逊和勒基特已离开乐队。

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