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 Libyan ['libiәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 利比亚的

n. 利比亚人, 古代利比亚语

    [ noun ]
    1. a native or inhabitant of Libya

    2. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to Libya or its people

    2. <adj.pert>
      the Libyan desert
      Libyan terrorists

    Libyan \Lib"y*an\ (l[i^]b"[i^]*an), a.
    Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of, the country Libya or
    its inhabitants.

    1. Libya has said it suspects the United States, Israel and West Germany are behind last Wednesday's fire at a Libyan plant that allegedly produced poison gas.
    2. It said the meeting is a continuation of conciliatory talks that started between Mubarak and Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi at last week's Arab League summit at Casablanca, Morocco.
    3. The State Department said Thursday that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was not telling the truth when he asserted that he has halted support for international terrorist activities.
    4. Despite Col. Moammar Gadhafi's promise of continued support for liberation and alleged terrorist groups around the world, Western and Palestinian sources say the Libyan leader is cutting back on such aid.
    5. A report by the London Broadcasting Co. said Hadi Issa Grada, 44, was suspected of organizing actions against Libyan exiles opposed to Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi.
    6. A report by the London Broadcasting Co. said Hadi Issa Grada, 44, was suspected of organizing actions against Libyan exiles opposed to Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi.
    7. The sources said the Libyan shipments have included heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, quantities of commercial explosives and Soviet-made SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles capable of downing helicopters and other aircraft.
    8. Frontline looks again at the death of WPc Yvonne Fletcher who was killed in St James's Square in the centre of London 10 years ago by a shot which came from the Libyan People's Bureau (9.00 C4).
    9. Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci said Wednesday at a Pentagon news conference that the commander of the F-14 patrol made the decision to fire at the Libyan aircraft "in self-defense" and apparently shot down both planes.
    10. French officials sought to play down escalated fighting between Libyan forces and French-backed government troops in Chad.
    11. Political and military circumstances may require that it hit Iranian targets, as it hit Libyan ones three years ago.
    12. He refused to discuss details, such as reports he would ask Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi for money.
    13. "America manufactures missiles and puts above our heads satellites," the Libyan leader was quoted as saying. "This provokes you and ignites in you the spirit of defiance and revolution to reach space and manufacture the atom."
    14. "Sources emphasize, however, that the Libyan connection does not rule out the original assumptions that Jibril, Syria and Iran were involved.
    15. A lone anti-aircraft gun, mounted on the back of a Toyota land cruiser, was visible in the distance. The Libyan leader said that both men were ready to stand trial anywhere in the world but feared whether they would get a fair hearing.
    16. Manuel Antonio Noriega on Wednesday again denied reports that Cuban or Libyan soldiers are in Panama, saying his own armed forces have no need for them.
    17. It was not clear whether the Libyan pilots survived.
    18. U.S. officials said the Libyan fighters acted in a threatening manner.
    19. Johnson broke with Taylor and his National Patriotic Front in February and accuses his rival of being a Libyan stooge and a communist.
    20. The independent Beirut daily newspaper An-Nahar reported Tuesday that Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi has ordered the withdrawal of his contingent from Lebanon.
    21. Government spokesman Friedhelm Ost said the U.S. information "indicates a number of German firms as well as companies from several nations made deliveries for the Libyan chemical plant," but officials found no evidence to warrant prosecution.
    22. Libyan opposition figures say that the number is much higher and that Gadhafi held more than 100 political prisoners even after his bulldozer episode.
    23. Official Libyan media has said doctors and nurses have been holding a sit-in at the plant to protect it and protest U.S. threats.
    24. It also denied seeking to arrange Waite's release with Libyan leader Gadhafi.
    25. The Libyan plant controversy is bound to have an impact on the conference.
    26. Libyan officials said 78 people on the plane were killed.
    27. Cohen said he disagreed with the statements of support Mandela has made for Cuban President Fidel Castro, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat.
    28. The deposed leader of Chad, Hissene Habre, was killed while trying to flee his country and the rebel forces that brought down his government, the Libyan news agency reported Sunday.
    29. Twenty days after the crash, the wreckage of a Libyan warplane was found in southern Italy.
    30. The Libyan government "provided direct support in all phases of preparation" for an unsuccessful May 30 terrorist attack on jammed beach resorts near Tel Aviv, Israel, the State Department said Monday.
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