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 Lepidoptera   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 鳞翅目

    [ noun ]
    moths and butterflies

    Lepidoptera \Lep`i*dop"te*ra\ (-d[o^]p"t[-e]*r[.a]), n. pl.
    [NL., fr. Gr. lepi`s -i`dos, a scale + ptero`n a feather,
    wing.] (Zo["o]l.)
    An order of insects, which includes the butterflies and
    moths. They have broad wings, covered with minute overlapping
    scales, usually brightly colored.

    Note: They have a tubular proboscis, or haustellum, formed by
    the two slender maxill[ae]. The labial palpi are
    usually large, and the proboscis, when not in use, can
    be coiled up spirally between them. The mandibles are
    rudimentary. The larv[ae], called caterpillars, are
    often brightly colored, and they commonly feed on
    leaves. The adults feed chiefly on the honey of

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