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 Laval [lə'vɑ:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 熔岩的,像熔岩的

    1. Managing director Lars Kylberg said he expects Alfa Laval's positive development to continue throughout the year, but not at the same high rate as during the first eight months.
    2. The artist's death was announced by L'Hopital Laval de Sainte-Foy.
    3. The medieval-looking prison, called St-Vincent-de-Paul Penitentiary when it was opened in 1873 on Ile-Jesus, now the city of Laval, has been witness to many escapes, hostage-takings and disturbances.
    4. The city's first black school chief hung on to his job by one vote, but opponents of Laval S. Wilson vowed to continue working to oust him.
    5. The guard at Laval Institute was seriously wounded, but the hostages were later released in apparently good condition, said Paul Fournier, a spokesman at the federal maximum-security prison just north of Montreal.
    6. 'We cannot go into details without revealing information about our future strategies to our competitors,' the company said. It said Mr Gunnar Brock, head of Alfa Laval, which makes packaging machinery, would succeed Mr Kjellberg at Tetra Pak.
    7. In Rennes, Poitier and Laval, Roman Catholic groups protested peacefully.
    8. Eric Dewailly of Laval University's hospital center, who directed research for the study, was quoted as telling Le Devoir that fish in the St. Lawrence river "are more contaminated than those in the north.
    9. I have learnt a good deal from this book, whose cognitive scope extends from the dawn of the Revolution to the Fall of Petain and Laval, and will keep it by me.
    10. Four years ago Laval Wilson was going to do all that.
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