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 LDM 添加此单词到默认生词本
abbr. 舒张晚期杂音(late-diastolic murmur)

  1. This article describes an example use case in which a UML modeler is transformed into a logical data model (LDM).
    本文将描述一个示例用例,其中,一个 UML 模型将被转换为一个逻辑数据模型(LDM)。
  2. A well-formed LDM can provide a quick overview to the key business information in a complex IT environment, which reflects business information requirements.
    一个格式良好的 LDM 可以提供对复杂 IT 环境中的关键业务信息的快速预览,从而反映业务信息需求。
  3. This is particularly useful in the maintenance of an enterprise LDM, where extensions to that model may be occurring within a number of distinct projects and are reconciled by a model manager.
    在维护企业 LDM 时,对模型的扩展可能同时在很多不同的项目中发生,并由一个模型管理器进行协调,所以这一点特别有用。

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