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 Kyrgyzstan   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a landlocked republic in west central Asia bordering on northwestern China; formerly an Asian soviet but became independent in 1991

    1. The U.S. opened embassies in the capitals of the former Soviet states of Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, bringing to six the total of Washington's outposts in the 11-member Commonwealth of Independent States.
    2. He has been to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. After Kazakhstan, he will end his 12-day tour in Mongolia.
    3. He went to Kyrgyzstan in 1991, when it was only just disengaged from the USSR and was now Kirghizia, though no one had noticed that.
    4. CBI Conference in London on UK and EC Competition Law. FRIDAY: Presidents of Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan meet in Istanbul to discuss co-operation (until October 31).
    5. Like several of its former Soviet neighbours, the tiny Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan has had to grapple with nationalist tension and ethnic rivalries.
    6. China has a Moslem population of about 10m, with most in the under-populated western province of Xinjiang. He arrived in Uzbekistan yesterday and will visit Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan before returning home via Mongolia.
    7. Calinali Sylimanbikov, deputy director of the republican bank for Kyrgyzstan, said he didn't know how his relatively low-income republic would fare.
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