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 Knots 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. She teased out the knots in her hair.
  2. My hair knots easily.

  1. Thomas Mahoney said after the rampage Tuesday on the lot where the TV shows "Dallas" and "Knots Landing" are made.
  2. (29) "Knots Landing," CBS, 13.8.
  3. (33) "Knots Landing," CBS, 14.1.
  4. Lorimar produces such long-running TV series as "Dallas," "Knots Landing," "Peoples Court" and "Love Connection."
  5. (27) "Knots Landing," CBS, 13.8.
  6. (28) "Knots Landing," CBS, 17.6, 15.9 million homes.
  7. (27) "Knots Landing," CBS, 14.0.
  8. (27) "Knots Landing," CBS, 17.2.
  9. (33) "Knots Landing," CBS, 14.6.
  10. Lynn Moody says the thing that excited her about joining CBS' "Knots Landing" was not the racial breakthrough but the opportunity to develop a character.
  11. CBS' durable "Knots Landing" was at the bottom of the list.
  12. If Mr. Davis were to acquire Lorimar, he would likely strip away the company's money-losing motion picture business and focus on its profitable TV operation, which makes such shows as "Dallas" and "Knots Landing."
  13. It's not as melodramatic as "Knots Landing."
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