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 Kirklands gingivectomy knife 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "The overwhelming view of the council was that this was a matter of deep conscience, conviction and religion" on the part of union members, AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland said.
    2. Bush also met Monday with Lane Kirkland, president of the AFL-CIO.
    3. This is true for Lane Kirkland." With the acknowledgement of Dukakis' win-to-come _ but still without a formal endorsement _ Jackson still appeared a little bitter that his path-breaking efforts did not result in victory.
    4. In Kirkland, a McCaw spokeswoman confirmed the investment but declined to comment further.
    5. Elmer W. Johnson, 56, resigned Monday from the board of directors and retired as executive vice president in charge of GM's legal, public affairs and operating staffs to return to the Chicago law firm of Kirkland and Ellis.
    6. The hearings are to conclude next week with testimony from AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland and Justice Department officials concerning the appropriateness of court intervention in union affairs.
    7. "We are deliberately keeping all options open," Kirkland said, adding that he opposes employers' use of pension fund surpluses to finance health care benefits except for retirees who are beneficiaries of those funds.
    8. Kirkland, who recently referred to Bush as "Reagan Lite," has tempered his criticisms of late, in part because of the minimum wage compromise.
    9. AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland and Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole sat side by side, anxious for a phone call to go through to coal miners in Castlewood, Va.
    10. AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland was to announce the planned visit today after the first day of the spring meeting of the federation's governining body.
    11. Her first major title was the U.S. Amateur, which she won in 1957 as a lass of 18 out of Kirkland, Wash., with her daddy's last name of Gunderson.
    12. McCaw, based in Kirkland, Wash., asked LIN to put its new offer to a vote at the previously scheduled Jan. 12 meeting, at which LIN's shareholders are being asked to consider BellSouth's offer.
    13. But it has chosen to do so in a very low-key way, hoping not to repeat the mistake of 1984, when its support enabled the Reagan forces to charge Walter Mondale with being in AFL-CIO leader Lane Kirkland's pocket.
    14. Lane Kirkland, full-time labor activist and part-time philosopher, offered a surprisingly short answer when asked last week to assess the state of the American labor movement.
    15. Chairman Lee Iacocca; AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland and New York investment banker Felix Rohatyn.
    16. The AFL-CIO said yesterday that it received a Teamsters application for affiliation, and AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland said the proposal will be taken up by the federation's executive council at its meeting tomorrow in Miami.
    17. Kirkland said officials of the AFL-CIO were continuing to press for reversal of a November refusal by the Soviet government to let an AFL-CIO delegation visit the Soviet Union.
    18. ILWU President Jimmy Herman and AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland have agreed in principle to the reaffiliation, said Danny Beagle, spokesman for the San Francisco-based ILWU.
    19. Davis, 48, was in fair condition Friday at a Dallas hospital and Kirkland, 37, was in stable condition at a suburban hospital.
    20. Kirkland also said the labor movement remains viable despite the defeat two weeks ago of efforts by the United Auto Workers union to organize workers at a Japanese auto plant in Tennessee.
    21. "That's not a very good beginning of a presidential term from my point of view," Kirkland said.
    22. Poland's communist authorities "should be denied access to the American market under those provisions since they are in violation of worker rights," Kirkland said.
    23. AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland suggested during a recent visit to the Soviet Union that there is great need for WPA-style projects to build infrastructure and clean up the environment.
    24. In the House gallery Mrs Hillary Clinton was seated next to Mr Lane Kirkland, the union leader, and Mr Jack Smith, chairman of General Motors.
    25. Chairman Lee Iacocca, AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland, and former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger.
    26. Chairman Lee Iacocca; AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland and Felix Rohatyn, partner with the New York investment firm Lazard Freres.
    27. PBS will broadcast Havel's "Largo Desolato," starring Oscar-winner F. Murray Abraham, Phoebe Cates and Sally Kirkland.
    28. Mrs. Dole said Bush would support that if the legislation also carried a sub-minimum training wage for youths; Kirkland said the AFL-CIO opposes the lower wage.
    29. If not an emergency, this is a matter of great public interest." Skinner and AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland are to appear at the hearing.
    30. Co-pilot Carey Wilson Kirkland Jr., 37, who was released from Northeast Community Hospital in Bedford on Friday, told investigators he could not remember anything from the time the plane left the terminal.
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